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rmagick 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rmagick

videos 0.0.5

A collection of videos is a directory (the container) containing both video files and d...

13,185 下載

appicon_generate 0.1.3

Generate icon for iOS, Android

13,164 下載

cellular_automata 0.1.5

A set of 0-player games, of which Conway's Game of Life is a member.

13,154 下載

clear_eyes 0.1.7

Automatic Retina Image Handling

13,131 下載

dynamic-sprites 0.0.5

Generates sass mixin and combines directory of images into one sprite

12,901 下載

sinatra_wms 0.1.1

A WMS (Web Map Service) is a great way to show lots of geolocated data on a map. Instea...

12,804 下載

CommandWrap 0.3

A set of utility classes to extract meta data from different file types

12,532 下載

doge 1.1.0

such gem

12,519 下載

screengif 0.0.3

Wrapper on ffmpeg and imagemagick to convert .mov to .gif

12,399 下載

jekyll-image_optimizer 1.2.2

The plugin reads all images in a directory and saves optimized versions of them in anot...

12,325 下載

montage 0.4.0

Even Rocky had a montage.

12,011 下載

catpix 0.2.0

Print images (png, jpg, gif and many others) in the command l...

11,995 下載

touchy 0.1.2

the tool that find odd images

11,623 下載

pixel_matcher 0.0.7

Library to compare images and generate difference image files

11,507 下載

dealwithify 0.0.6

CLI for Dealwithify

11,469 下載

ruby-wordpress 0.0.4

A gem to interface with the WordPress database

11,391 下載

cheesy-gallery 1.1.1

A jekyll plugin for building galleries.

11,343 下載

ath_vega 0.1.16

Ath helps you plan your workout using exercises from the open source app, 'wger'.

11,239 下載

f2h 0.9.4

Boilerplate code that provides sane default settings when making html5 assets using htm...

11,212 下載

rubyshop 0.3.1

RComposite (formally Rubyshop) is an RMagick abstraction library to easily manipulate a...

11,151 下載

sprite_generator 0.3.0

Automatically generate Sprite Images and the corresponding CSS.

11,102 下載

sprite_generator 0.3.0

Automatically generate Sprite Images and the corresponding CSS.

11,102 下載

ruby-dzi 0.1.2

Ruby Dzi slices images into several tiles and creates dzi descriptor file.

11,098 下載

web-magick 0.1.3

Set of wrapper tools created using RMagick for web use

11,084 下載

facehugger 0.1.1

A RESTful ruby interface for the Face API

11,072 下載

ramhoj-scruffy 0.2.8

Scruffy is a library for outputting graphs to image or SVG

11,048 下載

tubemp 0.7.1

tubemp is a tiny web-application which creates and serves thumbnail-images from YouTube...

10,950 下載

dhasher 1.1.0

Calculate the DHash of an image file

10,916 下載

pixelholder 2.0.0

A simple placeholder image generator

10,880 下載

dhash 0.0.2

Calculate Dhash on images

10,872 下載

總下載次數 42,058,967

這個版本 148,502



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.0
