ri_cal 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ri_cal
enju_event 0.3.5
Event management for Next-L Enju
263,644 下載
This plugin integrates jQuery-Rails, jQuery, jQuery UI and Themes, jqGrid and more into...
190,346 下載
radiant-event_calendar-extension 1.5.6
An event calendar extension that administers events locally or draws them from any ical...
109,631 下載
Actic is a calendaring engine for Rails3, it combines an iCal interface with ORM. It ac...
100,992 下載
lightwaverf 0.14.0
Interact with lightwaverf wifi-link from code or the command line. Control your lig...
96,490 下載
hiccup 0.6.1
Hiccup mixes a-la-cart recurrence features into your data structure. It doesn't dictate...
90,098 下載
andyw8-acts_as_event_owner 1.1.18
Simple calendar events for any ActiveRecord model
57,258 下載
achoo 0.5.1
Command line interface for Achievo (http://achievo.org)
51,198 下載
acts_as_event_owner 1.1.3
Simple calendar events for any ActiveRecord model
45,497 下載
Specifiy you're recurrence pattern in symbols and strings and get an ical format recurr...
42,533 下載
ical2gcal 0.7.0
You can sync local and remote ics file(s) to google calendar
38,718 下載
community_engine 3.2.0
CommunityEngine is a free, open-source social network platform for Ruby on Rails applic...
36,887 下載
mhc 1.2.7
Message Harmonized Calendaring.
26,914 下載
schedule-scraper 0.6.1
Scrapes online schedules and provides portable versions
21,766 下載
facebook-google-calendar-sync 0.2.2
Syncs Facebook calendar to Google calendar
20,166 下載
calagator 1.1.0
Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform
17,453 下載
kalindar 0.3.0
Web-Interface to ics files with sinatra
16,096 下載
Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform
15,932 下載
miguelbaldi-grit 1.1.1
GCalCli is a client for Google Calendar service.
5,917 下載
belphanior-calendar-watcher-servant 0.0.1
Watches a specified iCal-format calendar for events. When the time for an event comes, ...
4,905 下載
hk_holidays 0.1.0
A utility to tell whether a specific date is a Hong Kong's holiday
3,932 下載
nachokb-bcms_feeds 1.0.6
A BrowserCMS module which fetches, caches and displays RSS/Atom feeds -- now with iCale...
3,869 下載
miguelbaldi-gcalcliapp 0.1
GCalCli is a client for Google Calendar service.
3,445 下載