RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rexml La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rexml

red-datasets 0.1.7

You can use datasets easily because you can access each dataset with multiple ways such...

255.849 Descargas

bcl 0.8.0

This gem contains helper methods for generating the Component XML file needed to upload...

248.979 Descargas

origamindee 3.1.0

Mindee's fork of Origami, a pure Ruby library to parse, modify and generate PDF documents.

241.927 Descargas

logstash-integration-aws 7.1.6

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

237.667 Descargas

oni 5.0.1

Framework for building concurrent daemons in Ruby.

235.615 Descargas

athens 0.4.2

Allows you to easily access AWS Athena databases and run queries

235.604 Descargas

epub-parser 0.4.8

Parse EPUB 3 book loosely

231.895 Descargas

pin_up 1.4.4

A Ruby gem wrapper for the pin-payments ( API

226.052 Descargas

wechat 0.17.3

API, command and message handling for WeChat in Rails

222.973 Descargas

ruby-bandwidth-iris 7.3.0

Gem for integrating to Bandwidth's Iris API

216.753 Descargas

cfhighlander 0.13.6

DSL on top of cfndsl. Manage libraries of cloudformation components

216.389 Descargas

serrano 1.4

Low Level Ruby Client for the Crossref Search API

203.846 Descargas

almodovar 2.0.2

BeBanjo API client

200.811 Descargas

test-unit-runner-junitxml 1.0.0

A test-unit runner that reports test result in JUnit XML format.

184.869 Descargas

spark_api 1.6.2

The spark_api gem handles most of the boilerplate for communicating with the Spark API ...

184.707 Descargas

review 5.9.0

Re:VIEW is a digital publishing system for books and ebooks. It supports InDesign, EPUB...

181.389 Descargas

grntest 1.7.5

Grntest is a testing framework for Groonga. You can write a test for Groonga by writing...

180.340 Descargas

epics 2.4.0

Epics is a ruby implementation of the EBIC standard (H004) It supports the complet...

170.140 Descargas

aemo 0.6.0

Gem providing functionality for the Australian Energy Market Operator data.Supports NMI...

149.935 Descargas

ood_core 0.25.0

Open OnDemand core library that provides support for an HPC Center to globally define H...

144.257 Descargas

rdf-spec 3.3.0

RDF.rb extension that provides RSpec matchers and shared examples for RDF objects.

139.206 Descargas

asciimath2unitsml 0.4.3

Convert Asciimath via MathML to UnitsML

137.854 Descargas

bundle_outdated_formatter 0.7.0

BundleOutdatedFormatter is a command-line tool to format output of `bundle outdated`

130.680 Descargas

cased-rails 0.9.0

Ruby on Rails SDK/client library for Cased

128.226 Descargas

tdiary 5.3.0

tDiary is so called Weblog.

127.192 Descargas

jinda 0.8.0

Generate Rails workflow from mind map: Freemind

124.873 Descargas

vagrant_cloud 3.1.1

Ruby library for the HashiCorp Vagrant Cloud API

124.443 Descargas

bbbevents 2.0.0

Ruby gem for easily parse data from a BigBlueButton recording's events.xml.

114.200 Descargas

u3d 1.3.3

Provides numerous tools for installing, managing and running the Unity game engine from...

110.864 Descargas

wapiti 2.1.0

This gem provides a Ruby API for Conditional Random Fields (CRF).

108.080 Descargas

Total de descargas 390.696.497

Para esta versión 260.686



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
