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Dépendances inversées pour rexle Latest version of the following gems require rexle

line-tree 0.9.4

Line-tree parses indented lines of text and returns an array representing a tree struct...

181 618 Téléchargements

rexslt 0.8.0

Rexslt is an XSLT processor written purely in Ruby

134 716 Téléchargements

rscript 0.9.0

Reads or executes a job contained within a package (XML document), whereby the package ...

128 192 Téléchargements

polyrex-schema 0.5.3

The polyrex-schema gem creates Polyrex XML from an initial shorthand schematic string.

87 210 Téléchargements

nokorexi 0.7.0

Uses Nokogiri to produce valid XHTML for use as a Rexle document.

47 248 Téléchargements

domle 0.6.0

Domle (DOM + Rexle) is the document object model used by the Svgle gem

46 851 Téléchargements

rsc 0.5.0

formerly known as rcscript-client; Now supports OneDRb version2.

40 214 Téléchargements

rexle-diff 0.6.2

Compares XML and returns the latest XML with changes identified by datetime stamps in t...

39 489 Téléchargements

jsmenubuilder 0.3.6

Generates HTML based tabs using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

39 198 Téléchargements

jsonx 0.3.1

Transforms JSON into JSONx

27 613 Téléchargements

dom_render 0.4.1

Designed to render HTML

26 894 Téléchargements

html-to-css 0.1.10

Generates CSS from HTML passed into it.

25 952 Téléchargements

remote_dwsregistry 0.4.1

Used in conjunction with the rack_dwsregistry gem to remotely get and set keys from the...

24 978 Téléchargements

carbolic 0.1.5


24 751 Téléchargements

weblet 0.4.1

Intended for retrieving HTML templates from a convenient to use Hash-like object.

23 213 Téléchargements

jsajax_wizard 0.3.1

Makes building an AJAX web page easier than copying and pasting an example.

20 799 Téléchargements

rack_dwsregistry 0.4.0

Provides dws-registry gem functionality from behind a Rack webserver.

18 087 Téléchargements

polyrex-xslt 0.2.2

Generates XSLT to produce a Polyrex document from a tree-like XML structure.

16 092 Téléchargements

method_parser 0.2.1

Uses the Parser gem to primarily return the defined methods for the class

13 090 Téléchargements

drb_reg_client 0.2.0

Provides a DWS_registry service using DRb; Requires a drb_reg_server to be running.

12 344 Téléchargements

xws 0.2.0

XML Word Scanner (XWS) reads a Rexle document and returns a hash object containing each...

11 793 Téléchargements

keystroker 0.3.1

Makes it easier to convert keystrokes from 1 format to another. Primary format is KBML.

11 608 Téléchargements

xml_col_finder 0.3.0

Attempts to return the relative xpath for each element containing text.

7 497 Téléchargements

xml_to_sliml 0.1.2

Transforms XML into Sliml.

6 198 Téléchargements

huawei_e3131 0.1.2

Checks the Huawei E3131 SMS inbox for new messages using the HTTP API.

6 102 Téléchargements

jsautocomplete_builder 0.1.1

Makes it trivial to build an autocomplete search feature into a web page.

4 469 Téléchargements

diffyc32 0.1.1

Diffy with colour on the command-line.

3 877 Téléchargements

remote_vlc2019 0.1.1

Sends remote commands to VLC via HTTP.

3 512 Téléchargements

html_to_sliml 0.1.0

An experimental gem to transform HTML to Sliml (a kind of Slim markdown)

3 285 Téléchargements

jsspeech2019 0.1.0

Builds a web page featuring speech recognition.

2 496 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 805 536

Pour cette version 1 047

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.1.0
