RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rest-client La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rest-client

consul-ruby-client 0.0.13

Consul Thin Client. Exposes Consul defined interfaces through a very thin abstraction ...

148.533 Descargas

keycloak-admin 1.1.3

Keycloak Admin REST API client written in Ruby

148.288 Descargas

ianfleeton-paypal-express 1.0.0

PayPal Express Checkout API Client for Instance, Recurring and Digital Goods Payment.

147.745 Descargas

appoxy_rails 0.0.34

Appoxy API Helper gem description...

146.387 Descargas

imagekitio 3.1.0

Automate image optimization on rails platforms.

144.662 Descargas

web47core 3.2.2

Core components used in all our web products.

142.175 Descargas

foreman_api 0.1.11

Helps you to use Foreman's API calls from your app

141.461 Descargas

bushido 0.0.36

A module for integrating the Bushido platform into a rails app

140.128 Descargas


An API client for CRM customers, with which they can call ZOHO CRM APIs with ease

138.207 Descargas

scrappy 0.4.10

RDF web scraper

137.694 Descargas

wally 0.0.47

Cucumber feature viewer and navigator

137.477 Descargas

cas_rest_client 1.3

Rest client for services using CAS authentication.

135.016 Descargas

freshservice 0.0.1

Ruby Gem for interfacing with the Freshservice API

134.437 Descargas

boomi-ruby 0.4.0

Supports the Boomi REST Webservice

132.782 Descargas

seeuletter 1.4.1

Seeuletter API Ruby wrapper

131.702 Descargas

goodreads 0.9.0

Simple wrapper for the Goodreads API

131.227 Descargas

octobat 2.0.27

Octobat is the easiest way to generate invoices online. See for...

129.732 Descargas

cobot_client 5.0.0

Client for the Cobot API plus helpers

129.192 Descargas

foreman_api_client 1.0.2

Foreman apipie-bindings wrapper

128.686 Descargas

xcoder 0.1.18

Provides a ruby based object-model for parsing project structures and invoking builds

127.786 Descargas

echochamber 1.0.2

A ruby gem that simplifies the use of Adobe's EchoSign web API.

127.353 Descargas

cloud-crowd 0.7.6

The crowd, suddenly there where there was nothing before, is a mysterious and unive...

127.043 Descargas

abiquo-chef-agent 2.0.11

Abiquo Chef Agent

125.862 Descargas

mu 5.7.41

The Mu gem allows users to include Mu libraries within scripts that interact with t...

124.601 Descargas

adzerk 0.30

Ruby library for the Adzerk API

124.026 Descargas

ibm-cloud-sdk 0.1.11

A Ruby gem for interacting with the various IBM Cloud services.

123.927 Descargas

invoiced 2.1.0

Invoiced makes invoicing and recurring billing dead simple

123.757 Descargas

simply_stored 0.6.8

Convenience layer for CouchDB on top of CouchPotato.

123.395 Descargas

simply_stored 0.6.8

Convenience layer for CouchDB on top of CouchPotato.

123.395 Descargas

openpay 2.0.1

ruby client for Openpay API services (version 2.0.1)

123.104 Descargas

Total de descargas 367.179.499

Para esta versión 170.522.234

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
