RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rest-client La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rest-client

gnip-rule 1.0.0

Ruby library for working with the Gnip Rules API

261.150 Descargas

layer-ruby 0.7.3

Ruby bindings for the Layer Platform API

260.974 Descargas

synapse_pay_rest 3.4.5

SynapsePay v3 Rest Native API Library

258.773 Descargas

medea 0.7.2

Simple wrapper for persisting objects to JasonDB

258.283 Descargas

rturk 2.12.1

Mechanical Turk API Wrapper

257.662 Descargas

ruby-cute 0.24

Ruby library for controlling experiments

256.800 Descargas

hammer_cli_foreman 3.11.0

Foreman commands for Hammer CLI

249.428 Descargas

fastlane-plugin-tpa 2.2.0

TPA gives you advanced user behaviour analytics, app distribution, crash analytics and ...

249.061 Descargas

capdocker 1.0.81

An extension to Capistrano to handle deploys for docker containers.

248.820 Descargas

hakiri 0.7.2

Hakiri is a CLI for—a cloud security platform for Ruby on Rails apps.

246.593 Descargas

xsys 0.47.0

Get data from xsys api

244.987 Descargas

right_agent 2.7.2

RightAgent provides a foundation for running an agent on a server to interface in a sec...

243.612 Descargas

soaspec 0.3.11

Helps to create tests for 'SOAP' or 'REST' apis. Easily represent multiple requests wit...

241.420 Descargas

fontello_rails_converter 0.4.6

Gem for opening up your current fontello font in the browser from the command line and ...

236.234 Descargas

zillabyte-cli 0.9.51

The Official Zillabyte CLI Gem

235.512 Descargas

scaleapi-ruby 0.3.0

A ruby gem wrapper for the Scale API, containing all the endpoints available.

231.309 Descargas

workato-connector-sdk 1.3.11

Reproduce key concepts of Workato SDK, DSL, behavior and constraints.

230.529 Descargas

mercadolibre 4.16.0

Connect to Mercadolibre through Meli API

229.012 Descargas

ayadn 4.0.3 command-line client: toolbox to access and manage your ADN data, show your stre...

226.998 Descargas

iugu 1.0.8

Iugu API

225.325 Descargas

mediawiki_selenium 1.8.1

Several MediaWiki extensions share code that makes it easy to run Selenium tests. This ...

225.206 Descargas

trackman 0.6.18

Trackman hosts your maintenances and app-down pages (503s) and lets you keep them in yo...

223.976 Descargas

ruby_vcloud_sdk 0.7.4

BOSH vCloud API client 92d56d

223.958 Descargas

fonemas 0.7.9

Creación de fonemas para ser utilizadas en el reconocimiento de voz con cmu sphinx

223.353 Descargas

jekyll-rdf 4.2.4

Generate static sites with Jekyll based on RDF data

215.987 Descargas

wx_pay 0.21.0

An unofficial simple wechat pay gem

215.156 Descargas

synapseruby 1.0.17

SynapseFI v3 Rest Native API Library

213.875 Descargas

j1-template 2024.2.1

J1 Theme is a gem-based, clean, responsive and fully featured template made for Jekyll

211.766 Descargas

medivo 0.2.24

Use the medivo platform to find lab locations, make labcorp appointments, place lab orders

211.099 Descargas

openstudio-standards 0.6.1

The openstudio-standards library provides methods for programatically generating, modif...

208.248 Descargas

Total de descargas 352.609.744

Para esta versión 158.125.846



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
