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Reverse dependencies for refinerycms-core Latest version of the following gems require refinerycms-core

refinerycms 4.0.3

A Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 5.1. It's developer friendly and easy to extend.

822,012 下載

refinerycms-pages 4.0.3

The default content extension of Refinery CMS. This extension handles the administratio...

440,204 下載

refinerycms-images 4.0.3

Handles all image upload and processing functionality in Refinery CMS.

436,442 下載

refinerycms-resources 4.0.3

Handles all file upload and processing functionality in Refinery CMS.

435,666 下載

refinerycms-dashboard 2.1.5

The dashboard is usually the first extension the user sees in the backend of Refinery C...

356,937 下載

refinerycms-authentication 2.1.5

The default authentication extension for Refinery CMS

347,177 下載

refinerycms-settings 4.0.1

Adds programmer creatable, user editable settings.

304,399 下載

refinerycms-testing 4.0.3

This plugin adds the ability to tests against the Refinery CMS gem while inside a Refin...

189,967 下載

refinerycms-inquiries 4.0.0

Inquiry handling functionality extracted from Refinery CMS to allow you to have a conta...

162,688 下載

refinerycms-blog 4.0.0

A really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails blog engine designed for integration...

154,469 下載

refinerycms-acts-as-indexed 3.0.0

An extension to handle the integration of Refinery CMS and ActsAsIndexed

130,162 下載

refinerycms-news 2.1.2

A really straightforward open source Ruby on Rails news engine designed for integration...

120,338 下載

refinerycms-wymeditor 3.0.0

This extension adds WYMeditor support to Refinery CMS for visual editing.

111,701 下載

refinerycms-authentication-devise 2.0.0

A Devise authentication extension for Refinery CMS

70,438 下載

refinerycms-llama_widgets 0.4.0

Ruby on Rails Widgets extension for Refinery CMS

59,937 下載

refinerycms-calendar 2.0.4

Ruby on Rails Calendar extension for Refinery CMS

37,121 下載

refinerycms-theming 1.0.1

Theming functionality for the Refinery CMS project, extracted from Refinery CMS core.

33,133 下載

refinerycms-search 2.1.0

Provides extra functionality for searching your frontend website using Refinery CMS.

31,945 下載

refinerycms-pods 2.1.1

Ruby on Rails Pods extension for Refinery CMS

31,915 下載

refinerycms-llama_menus 1.2.1

Ruby on Rails Menus extension for Refinery CMS

27,514 下載


Manage videos in RefineryCMS using Video.js player for playback

21,864 下載

refinerycms-solr 1.0.9

An extension to handle the integration of Refinery CMS and Solr

20,914 下載

refinerycms-photo-gallery 0.3.0

Open source Ruby on Rails photo gallery engine designed for integration with Refinery CMS.

19,858 下載

refinerycms-nested_models 0.1.1

Ruby on Rails Nested Models extension for Refinery CMS

18,722 下載

refinerycms-image_slideshows 2.0.2

Ruby on Rails Image Slideshows extension for Refinery CMS

17,880 下載

refinerycms-codemirror 0.1.6

Replaces the textarea in WYMeditor with CodeMirror

16,609 下載


RefineryCMS plugin for managing slideshows

16,548 下載


Ruby on Rails Calendar extension for Refinery CMS

15,123 下載

refinerycms-jobs 3.0.6

Open source Ruby on Rails jobs engine designed for integration with Refinery CMS.

15,101 下載

refinerycms-casestudies 1.2.0

Ruby on Rails Casestudies extension for Refinery CMS

13,608 下載

總下載次數 448,791

這個版本 19,126



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.2.2
