Dependencias inversas para refinements La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren refinements
gemsmith 23.2.0
A command line interface for smithing Ruby gems.
289.698 Descargas
runcom 12.1.0
A XDG enhanced run command manager for command line interfaces.
242.495 Descargas
versionaire 14.1.0
An immutable, thread-safe, and strict semantic version type.
202.774 Descargas
tocer 19.1.0
A command line interface for generating Markdown table of contents.
170.642 Descargas
milestoner 19.3.0
A command line interface for automated Git repository milestones.
151.529 Descargas
git-lint 9.1.0
A command line interface for linting Git commits.
135.857 Descargas
auther 17.1.0
A multi-account, form-based, database-less, application-wide, Rails authenticator.
132.807 Descargas
pennyworth 18.1.0
A command line interface for augmented Alfred workflows.
123.642 Descargas
pragmater 16.1.0
A command line interface for managing pragma comments.
114.062 Descargas
marameters 4.2.0
A dynamic method parameter enhancer.
109.542 Descargas
navigator 11.1.0
A Rails domain specific language for menu navigation.
108.609 Descargas
cogger 1.1.0
A customizable and feature rich logger.
107.971 Descargas
spek 4.1.0
An enhanced gem specification wrapper.
106.763 Descargas
sublime_text_kit 18.1.0
A command line interface for managing Sublime Text metadata.
101.239 Descargas
prawn_plus 16.1.0
A Rails renderer for Prawn PDFs.
100.925 Descargas
rubysmith 8.2.0
A command line interface for smithing Ruby projects.
72.487 Descargas
gitt 4.2.0
A monadic Object API for the Git CLI.
56.542 Descargas
tone 2.2.0
A customizable ANSI text terminal colorizer.
49.982 Descargas
pipeable 1.2.0
A domain specific language for building functionally composable steps.
22.214 Descargas
hanamismith 1.4.0
A command line interface for smithing Hanami projects.
21.185 Descargas
etcher 3.1.0
A monadic configuration loader, transformer, and validator.
16.654 Descargas
sod 1.1.0
A domain specific language for creating composable command line interfaces.
16.055 Descargas
ghub 0.23.0
A monadic GitHub API client.
11.587 Descargas
http-fake 4.1.0
A HTTP fake implementation for test suites.
10.331 Descargas
htmx 2.1.0
An augmenter and companion to the HTMX JavaScript library.
8.113 Descargas
lode 2.1.0
A monadic store of marshaled objects.
6.235 Descargas
tana 0.15.0
A monadic API client for the Tana Personal Knowledge Management system.
4.251 Descargas
lokilogger 1.1.0
Log asynchronously to Grafana Loki
1.413 Descargas
fixversion 0.0.2
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
887 Descargas
oldfixversion 0.0.0
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
352 Descargas