redis 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 redis
tng-gtk-utils 0.5.1
5GTANGO Gatekeeper has been developed and started to accumulate some technical debt, na...
12,735 下載
busdriver 0.3
A highly available redis bus client for Ruby apps.
12,717 下載
access_token 0.1.2
Access token for client-side and API authentication.
12,694 下載
hari 0.0.5
Hari is a tool to abstract complex relationships between Ruby objects onto Redis da...
12,660 下載
redis_tags 0.0.4
A tagging system implemented in Redis graph
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sinatra-redis-cache 0.2.0
A simple redis backed cache for Sinatra
12,624 下載
rails3-redis-session-store 0.3.0
A drop-in replacement for e.g. MemCacheStore to store Rails sessions (and Rails session...
12,586 下載
minbox 0.1.6
A minimal smtp server.
12,516 下載
r509-middleware-validity 0.2.1
Rack middleware that writes the serial number of issued certs to a Redis database. Uses...
12,496 下載
lgm 0.0.13
CRM | Lead Gathering Machine
12,493 下載
octocore 0.0.6
Octocore is the core framework of Octomatic Enterprise. It contains all the core models...
12,493 下載
oa-casport 0.1.4
Simple gem to enable rack powered Ruby apps to authenticate internally via casport with...
12,472 下載
popularity_contest 0.1.0
A Rack application to count and sort popular content on our websites
12,381 下載
dtv_tournaments 0.1.0
This gem fetches the portal and gives ...
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wiser_chat 0.1.4
Enable real-time chat easily in your Ruby on Rails application.
12,354 下載
lemondrop 0.1.2
This gem provides a plugin for Adhearsion, allowing you to create and use Redis as a qu...
12,338 下載
mach 0.0.3
HMAC authentication stuff
12,289 下載
redis_template_resolver 0.3.0
A template resolver for rails 3.2. It retrieves templates via HTTP and stores them...
12,285 下載
redis_env 0.2.0
Store environment variables in redis
12,273 下載
redis-aid 0.1.0
Small lib which helps with extending your classes or modules with redis (and nest) good...
12,083 下載
chequeo 0.2.3.beta
A framework to make running checkups on your platform easier.
12,074 下載
logstash-filter-redis 0.3.0
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
12,027 下載
i18n_gui 0.0.5
Graphic interface for i18n
11,948 下載
derrick 0.1.1
Inspect Redis databases and print statistics about the keys
11,941 下載
counter_cachier 0.0.3
Counter cache on steroids - requires a bit of configuration, but then simply saves coun...
11,921 下載
sir_tracks_alot 0.6.2
A high speed general purpose tracking and reporting tool which uses Redis.
11,898 下載
rolex 0.0.4
Rolex: simple roles, backed by redis
11,877 下載
ruboty-bokete 0.1.2
Ruboty handler to get a bokete.
11,819 下載
tally_counter 0.1.2
Tally web application hits with Rack & Redis sorted sets
11,794 下載
push_routes 0.0.8
See summary
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