redis 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 redis
bucket_maker 0.0.4
Create Simple A/B categories
13,475 下载
likes_tracker 0.0.5
track likes between rails models using Redis backend
13,432 下载
atomic_redis_cache 0.2.2
Use Redis as a multi-process atomic cache to avoid thundering herds and long calculations
13,432 下载
gdata-api 0.0.3
Google Data API expressed in Ruby
13,422 下载
redis-asm 0.1.4
Fast ASM (Approximate String Matching) by calucuating edit distance within the collecit...
13,413 下载
counterman 0.0.3
Fast and furious tracking system using Redis hash operations
13,368 下载
clustered_rpc 0.3.1
When you need to run code on all rails processes within a cluster. AppServers, Sidekiq...
13,343 下载
simple_redis 0.3.1
Wrapper Gem for redis to make us easy operate cache with Redis
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skvs 0.0.4
A dirt simple HTTP key value store, with a fancy UI.
13,284 下载
deprecation_collector 0.8.0
Collects and aggregates warnings and deprecations. Optimized for production environment.
13,254 下载
redis_mail 0.8.1
A Redis-backed delivery_method for Mail gem
13,228 下载
bizhub-tool 0.0.5
A client for the Konica/Minolta Bizhub OpenAPI
13,220 下载
start_her 0.0.5
Micro-service starter
13,214 下载
qup 1.4.1
Qup is a generalized API for Message Queue and Publish/Subscribe messaging patterns wit...
13,214 下载
mail2cb 0.0.15
Basic WIP.
13,171 下载
embulk-plugin-redis-url 0.5.0
Embulk plugin for Redis (with URL connection string support)
13,163 下载
hash_store 0.0.4
HashStore store RubyHash into Redis as JSON. Automatically add redis commands(GET,S...
13,149 下载
redis-bitops 0.2.1
Optimized operations on Redis bitmaps using built-in Ruby operators. Supports sparse bi...
13,120 下载
classy_cas 0.9.3
ClassyCAS provides private, centralized, cross-domain, platform-agnostic centralized au...
13,105 下载
krakenlab 2018.01.07
A Easy way to project your MMO Server.
13,063 下载
io_monitor 1.1.0
A gem that helps to detect potential memory bloats
13,052 下载
memodis 0.0.3
semi-transparent memoization; backed by redis;
13,009 下载
tupalo-vanity 1.5.1
Mirror, mirror on the wall ...
13,005 下载
query_dam 0.2.0
Detecting query result changes
12,992 下载
ace_redlock 0.0.4
Redlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby
12,985 下载
juvet 0.0.5
A factory and storage mechanism to store your bot information, backed by Redis.
12,893 下载
fluent-plugin-redisstore 0.0.4
Redis(zset/set/list/string) output plugin for Fluentd...
12,884 下载
ledis 0.0.3
a K.I.S.S auto-rotating redis logger for ruby/rails
12,852 下载
onetime_token 0.0.3
Generate a temporary token of secret associated with ActiveRecord. it is stored in redi...
12,798 下载
tng-gtk-utils 0.5.1
5GTANGO Gatekeeper has been developed and started to accumulate some technical debt, na...
12,735 下载