redis 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 redis
pokan 0.2.6
pokan is an implementation of the Gossip protocol (best described in http://www.cs...
24,873 下载
distributed_job 3.1.0
Keep track of distributed jobs spanning multiple workers using redis
24,854 下载
activehook-server 0.1.7
Fast and simple webhook delivery microservice for Ruby.
24,683 下载
redis_counters 1.5.2
Redis Counters
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redis_pipeline 1.0.2
Send commands to a redis server in pipelined batches
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protoboard 0.2.3
Protoboard abstracts the way you use Circuit Breaker allowing you to easily use it with...
24,603 下载
redlics 0.2.2
Redis analytics with tracks (using bitmaps) and counts (using buckets)encoding numbers ...
24,571 下载
redis_backed_model 1.1.0
Provides methods to models that are backed by a redis instance.
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duly_noted 1.0.2
a simple redis based stat-tracker
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redis-throttler 0.1.8
Throttle anything in your object model and beyond
24,449 下载
sevencan 0.2.1
simple permission manager
24,396 下载
syndi 0.1.3
An elegant, modern, multithreaded, event-driven, modular chat bot designed upon a m...
24,388 下载
syndi 0.1.3
An elegant, modern, multithreaded, event-driven, modular chat bot designed upon a m...
24,388 下载
easyredis 0.0.6
framework designed to make using redis as a database simpler
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heroku_ssl 0.8.2
Quickly and easily add SSL to a Rails App with Let's Encrypt
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gitlab-fluent-plugin-redis-slowlog 0.1.2
Emit redis slowlog entries into fluentd
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rubykiq 1.0.2
Sidekiq agnostic enqueuing using Redis
24,160 下载
redis-rpc 1.2.0
RedisRpc is the easiest to use RPC library in the world. (No small claim!). This ve...
24,028 下载
rolling-limit 0.2.0
Uses redis sorted sets to allow easy rate limiting
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cpee-instantiation 1.1.3
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datastore_redis 0.0.8
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auth_manager 0.0.7
"Authenticate developpers and applications."
23,912 下载
cogibara 0.0.9
A framework for combining natural speech processing tools with public APIs. Basic funct...
23,871 下载
redlocker 1.1.0
Acquire and keep distributed locks alive using redis
23,809 下载
redrate 0.1.0
An easy, distributed rate limiter using Redis
23,706 下载
coffeeshop 1.0.2
coffeeshop is a quick and dirty Sinatra app that serves up any CoffeeScript in a direct...
23,618 下载
journal 0.0.7
Simple way to log activity on an object using a redis db
23,538 下载
redis_ring_client 0.1.2
The client counterpart to the RedisRing gem.
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sidekiq_remove_scheduled 1.1.0
Just call remove_scheduled method and pass the argument to the worker to remove schedul...
23,532 下载
redis_lock 0.4.4
Lock with redis
23,424 下载