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redis 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 redis

acts_as_stream 0.0.4.rc.3

Rails injectable Redis-backed activity stream system. This is an alpha release of code ...

31,353 下載

record_redis 0.12.0

a redis orm mapper for rails

31,350 下載

blombo 0.4

Blombo: Treat redis-server like a deep ruby hash

31,334 下載

lark-sdk 1.2.2

Lark(飞书) API SDKs for ruby

31,232 下載

acts_as_rrranking 0.2.1

A rails plugin use redis to sort models on real time.

31,132 下載

redised 0.3.2

redised provides a single module `Redised` that when included in your class provides a ...

31,076 下載

logbert 1.0.2

Change your logging behaviors without mucking with your code!

31,001 下載

bushpig 0.1.15

Simple job system.

30,803 下載

absurdity 0.2.8

Absurdly simple a/b testing

30,521 下載

liszt 0.1.3

Liszt is an alternative to acts_as_list and sortable that uses atomic Redis operations ...

30,504 下載

fluent-plugin-eventcounter 0.0.6

Fluentd plugin to count occurences of values in a field and emit them or write them to ...

30,368 下載

easy_weixin 0.1.1

create menu and reply message.

30,180 下載

nebulous_stomp 3.1.0

A library and protocol to allow disperate systems to ask a question via STOMP and recei...

30,151 下載

afterparty 0.2.0

Rails 4 compatible queue with support for executing jobs later.

30,111 下載

distribot 0.1.12

Distributed flow engine based on redis and rabbitmq

29,875 下載

redis_ha 0.1.4

Three basic CRDTs (set, hashmap and counter) for redis. Also includes a ConnectionPool ...

29,850 下載

redis_counters-dumpers 1.2.4

Dump statistics from Redis to DB

29,842 下載

fflags 0.6.0

Feature flags that can be override on the fly.

29,759 下載

hyperloglog-redis 2.0.0

An implementation of the HyperLogLog set cardinality estimation algorithm in Ruby using...

29,724 下載

counter_server 0.0.8

Count things, saves in Redis

29,632 下載

koinz 0.0.8

Koinz clients require authentication via oauth koinz provider. They can also publish/su...

29,612 下載

canonicurl 0.0.8

A Canonical URL cache using Redis

29,609 下載

hirlite 0.1.0

Ruby wrapper for hirlite

29,586 下載

findable 0.2.2

Redis wrapper with API like ActiveRecord.

29,451 下載

redis_storage 0.4.0

Provides a data backend for a Redis in Rails, will also provide a Rails 3 Generator

29,436 下載

mailcannon 0.1.1

A mass mailing tool for real threads aficionados

29,395 下載

visitors 0.1.0

Redis-backed activity storage to track visits to different parts of your Ruby web app i...

29,301 下載

go_to_webinar 0.2.10

Full client including authentication for GoToWebinar API V1

29,203 下載

jobba 2.0.0

Redis-based background job status tracking.

29,160 下載

redis_monitor 0.3.3

Get general information of a running redis instance

29,116 下載

總下載次數 466,634,127

這個版本 848,126




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0
