redhillonrails_core 1.0.0
RedHill on Rails Core is a plugin that features to support other RedHill on Rails plugins. Those features include: * Creating and dropping views; * Creating and removing foreign-keys; * Obtaining indexes directly from a model class; and * Determining when <code>Schema.define()</code> is running.
- 2.0.0.pre July 21, 2011 (20 KB)
- 1.2.0 July 21, 2011 (20 KB)
- 1.1.3 February 25, 2011 (18,5 KB)
- 1.1.3.pre1 February 21, 2011 (17,5 KB)
- 1.1.2 January 10, 2011 (17,5 KB)
- 1.0.0 March 12, 2010 (13,5 KB)