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gravatar-ultimate 2.0.0

The Ultimate Gravatar Gem! This gem is used to interface with the entire Gravatar API:...

695,738 下載

cb-api 23.2.1

Ruby wrapper for Careerbuilder Public API.

671,911 下載

statsample 2.1.0

A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1...

668,009 下載

htauth 2.3.0

HTAuth provides an API and commandline tools for managing Apache/httpd style htpasswd a...

657,173 下載

win32console 1.3.2

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface...

652,971 下載

win32console 1.3.2

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface...

652,971 下載

win32console 1.3.2

Win32::Console allows controling the windows command line terminal thru an OO-interface...

652,971 下載

active_model-better_errors 1.6.7

API consumable error messages with ActiveModel::Errors drop-in compatibility.

644,814 下載

wrest 4.0.1

Wrest is a fluent, easy-to-use, object oriented Ruby HTTP/REST client library with supp...

625,959 下載

it-logica-application-backbone 1.5.3

longer description of your gem

622,934 下載

scimitar 2.9.0

SCIM v2 support for Users and Groups in Ruby On Rails

584,596 下載

namecase 2.0.0

NameCase is a Ruby implementation of `Lingua::EN::NameCase`, a library for converting s...

574,258 下載

bhf 0.10.17

A simple to use Rails-Engine-Gem that offers an admin interface for trusted user. Easy ...

573,895 下載

ruby-xslt 0.9.10

Ruby/XSLT is a simple XSLT class based on libxml <> and libxsl...

551,234 下載

spec 5.3.4

Modified minitest for Appium.

549,979 下載

colorls 1.4.6

A Ruby CLI gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome i...

521,930 下載

rhodes 7.6.0

Rhodes mobile framework

519,135 下載

fluent-plugin-dstat 1.0.0

Dstat Input plugin for Fluent event collector

514,329 下載

wice_grid 7.1.0

A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...

510,234 下載

zbar 0.3.0

Ruby bindings for ZBar, a barcode recognition library. Uses FFI to interact with the un...

508,794 下載

textutils 1.4.0

textutils - Text Filters, Helpers, Readers and More

506,465 下載

remote_lock 1.1.0

remote-based mutexes

494,308 下載

kpeg 1.3.3

KPeg is a simple PEG library for Ruby. It provides an API as well as native grammar to ...

488,762 下載

activerecord-postgres-json 0.2.3

Active Record support for PostgreSQL JSON type

486,794 下載

deacon 1.0.0

Provides human readable names using continious LFSR

481,561 下載

ParseTree 3.0.9

ParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse tree for an entir...

481,478 下載

amalgalite 1.9.4

Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There is no need to i...

476,921 下載

amalgalite 1.9.4

Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There is no need to i...

476,921 下載

amalgalite 1.9.4

Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There is no need to i...

476,921 下載

amalgalite 1.9.4

Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There is no need to i...

476,921 下載

總下載次數 152,351,698

這個版本 2,067,859



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 2.2
