RubyGems Navigation menu

rdoc 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rdoc

active_elastic_job 3.3.0

Run background jobs / tasks of Rails applications deployed in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ...

1,720,034 下載

validates_lengths_from_database 0.8.0

Introspects your database string field maximum lengths and automatically defines length...

1,693,311 下載

safe_attributes 1.0.10

Better support for legacy database schemas for ActiveRecord, such as columns named clas...

1,691,144 下載

devise_ldap_authenticatable 0.8.7

Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP

1,682,564 下載

osx_keychain 1.0.2

Provides API and a command line tool to Access the OS X Keychain. The command line tool...

1,644,386 下載

simple-rss 1.3.3

A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designe...

1,640,142 下載

puppet-debugger 1.4.0

A interactive command line tool for evaluating and debugging the puppet language

1,615,959 下載

methadone 2.0.2

Methadone provides a lot of small but useful features for developing a command-line app...

1,596,894 下載

bcp47 0.3.3

A subset of the BCP47 spec implemented in ruby

1,558,156 下載

autotest 5.0.0

This is a stub gem to fix the confusion caused by autotest being part of the ZenTest su...

1,525,641 下載

etcd 0.3.0

Ruby client library for etcd

1,515,953 下載

rspec_html_reporter 1.0.3

RSpec HTML Reporter

1,503,178 下載

its-it 2.0.0

This gem defines the Kernel method "it" that queue and defer method calls. This extends...

1,475,090 下載

rubypython 0.6.4

RubyPython is a bridge between the Ruby and Python interpreters. It embeds a running Py...

1,451,405 下載

workflow-activerecord 6.0.1

ActiveRecord/Rails Integration for the Workflow library. Workflow is a finite-state-mac...

1,434,015 下載

ruby-hl7 1.3.3

A simple library to parse and generate HL7 2.x messages

1,429,975 下載

linguistics 2.1.0

Linguistics is a framework for building linguistic utilities for Ruby objects in any la...

1,411,495 下載

globalize-versioning 0.4.0

Provides support for using versioning gems such as PaperTrail with Globalize.

1,409,006 下載

minitest-rails-capybara 3.0.2

Adds Capybara feature tests in Minitest and Rails.

1,369,453 下載

docker-sync 1.0.5

Sync your code live to docker-containers without losing any performance on OSX

1,364,445 下載

google_contacts_api 0.7.1

Lets you read from the Google Contacts API. Posting to come later.

1,341,636 下載

blockscore 4.2.1

BlockScore makes ID verification easier and faster. See for more.

1,338,978 下載

jekyll-archives 2.2.1

Automatically generate post archives by dates, tags, and categories.

1,284,715 下載

knife-solo 0.7.0

Handles bootstrapping, running chef solo, rsyncing cookbooks etc

1,273,054 下載


Transaction::Simple provides a generic way to add active transaction support to objects...

1,251,349 下載

fast_trie 0.5.1

Ruby Trie based on libdatrie.

1,244,441 下載

SyslogLogger 2.0

SyslogLogger is a Logger replacement that logs to syslog. It is almost drop-in with a ...

1,225,809 下載

iso 0.4.0

A subset of the ISO spec implemented in ruby

1,214,161 下載

text-hyphen 1.5.0

Text::Hyphen is a Ruby library to hyphenate words in various languages using Ruby-fied ...

1,171,506 下載

echoe 4.6.6

A Rubygems packaging tool that provides Rake tasks for documentation, extension compili...

1,160,686 下載

總下載次數 151,856,173

這個版本 1,764,126



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 2.2
