rdoc-generator-fivefish 0.0.1.pre.58
A(nother) HTML(5) generator for RDoc. It uses Twitter Bootstrap for the pretty, doesn't take up valuable horizontal real estate space with indexes and stuff, and has Quicksilver[http://qsapp.com/]-like search built in.
- 0.4.0 March 14, 2018 (469.0 KB)
- 0.3.0 January 22, 2017 (466.0 KB)
- 0.2.1 January 17, 2017 (466.0 KB)
- 0.2.0 January 17, 2017 (466.0 KB)
- 0.1.0 March 26, 2013 (465.0 KB)
- 0.0.1.pre.58 June 06, 2012 (456.5 KB)