Dépendances inversées pour rdf-vocab Latest version of the following gems require rdf-vocab
rdf-marmotta 0.1.1
RDF::Repository layer for Apache Marmotta.
27 073 Téléchargements
linked_rails 0.0.4
LinkedRails helps you create a Linked Data application in a matter of seconds.
26 876 Téléchargements
rdf-jena 0.4.1
Implements an RDF.rb repository for Apache Jena running on JRuby.
23 799 Téléchargements
case_model 0.0.11
Built for the Context-Aware Software Ecosystem. Resolves application model requirements...
22 283 Téléchargements
lbp 0.1.3
A library for working XML documents conforming the TEI (lbp customized) schema
14 363 Téléchargements
linked_vocabs 0.3.1
Linked Data Controlled Vocabularies for ActiveFedora::Rdf.
11 717 Téléchargements
rdf-resource 0.0.2
It uses RDF.rb and several RDF::Vocab, with options for caching RDF resources.
4 947 Téléchargements
iiif_print 3.0.4
Gem/Engine for IIIF Print works in Hyrax-based Samvera Application.
3 762 Téléchargements
rdf-kv 0.1.3
This module implements https://doriantaylor.com/rdf-kv, taking key-value input (e.g. fr...
2 793 Téléchargements