RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour rcov Latest version of the following gems require rcov

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

file_share 0.1.16

Basic file management on Rails 3.

57 018 Téléchargements

rews 0.5.5

an email focussed Ruby client for Exchange Web Services atop Savon

56 982 Téléchargements

rews 0.5.5

an email focussed Ruby client for Exchange Web Services atop Savon

56 982 Téléchargements

streambot 1.0.1

a simple gem that tracks several keywords via twitter streaming api and re-publish it o...

56 890 Téléchargements

lifeboat 0.6.3

sends messages to SQS

56 852 Téléchargements

voyager_api 0.3.11

Middleware gem for Voyager 7 API calls, specificially holdings information

56 771 Téléchargements

active_scaffold-sequel 0.8.0

The original ActiveScaffold supports Rails ( with it's native O...

56 406 Téléchargements

checksummer 0.3.0

Replace files with links to md5 files

56 048 Téléchargements

action-guard 1.2.1

authorisation module of actions based on url-paths for usage in Rails and possibly othe...

55 955 Téléchargements

urifetch 0.1.0

Urifetch allows you to fetch data from any URL using pattern matching. The library allo...

55 786 Téléchargements

lazibi 0.1.15

Python like indenting for Ruby

55 314 Téléchargements

api_test_gem 0.2.5

This test api calls using curl. If necessary, authenticate before testing, with cookie_...

55 108 Téléchargements

ticketmaster-pivotal 0.7.0

This is a ticketmaster provider for interacting with Pivotal Tracker .

55 108 Téléchargements

authbuttons-rails 0.1.2

A collection of authentication provider icons for Rails 3.1/Sprockets

54 236 Téléchargements

acts_as_interface 0.1.5

Easily define abstract methods and callbacks for superclasses and modules

54 227 Téléchargements

edouard-metric_fu 1.2.1

Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task a...

54 204 Téléchargements

dynamic_models 0.5.0

Methods to get and build models directly from parameters. Useful for DRYing up code, s...

54 099 Téléchargements

saucy-kiss 0.4.0

Record Saucy SaaS events to KISSmetrics

53 513 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 2 583 264

Pour cette version 485 238



Version de Ruby requise: None
