RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rcov La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rcov

rcov_rails 0.3.1

One Rake task to give you rcov code coverage for your rails app. rake test:coverage

53.330 Descargas

capistrano-cowboy 0.1.2

capistrano-cowboy let's you deploy without having to commit to version control. While d...

53.042 Descargas

Tamar 0.7.18

A package of the RubyLuaBridge library, which includes Lua and relevant libraries. You ...

53.032 Descargas

aboisvert_aws 3.0.1

== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...

52.965 Descargas

thinknear 0.1.2

A ThinkNear Ruby Client

52.807 Descargas

rbtree-jruby 0.2.1

RBTree is a sorted associative collection that is implemented with Red-Black Tree. The ...

52.644 Descargas

url_expander 0.1.5

Expand short urls from shortning services shuch as bitly and tinyurl

52.614 Descargas

RangeHash 0.0.6

RangeHash subclasses Hash and adds functionality so that Ranges can be the keys an...

52.414 Descargas

ie_conditional_tag 0.6.0

Provides an easy-to-use helper for generating multiple tags inside IE-specific conditio...

52.392 Descargas

hayde 0.1.13

Helper for generating guides articles from textile source. Extracted from railties-3.0....

52.290 Descargas

cantango-config 0.2.1

Configuration DSL for configuring CanTango

52.043 Descargas

loop_dance 0.5.3

Really simple daemon builder and manager. Based on the looper and daemon_controller

51.926 Descargas

caldecott 0.0.5

Caldecott HTTP/Websocket Tunneling Library

51.702 Descargas

google_fish 0.2.2

A tiny gem that makes using Google Translate v2 API trivial

51.561 Descargas

active_record_to_simpledb 0.3.3

It sends ActiveRecord objets to SimpleDB using Resque

51.547 Descargas

fyuk 0.6.8

Small library with methods for finding the financial or fiscal year for a particular da...

50.961 Descargas

rbsync 0.0.15

rbsync is sync file utility.this can sync directory even if filename differed.checking ...

50.712 Descargas

respond-rails 1.0.1

A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more)

50.567 Descargas

trackable_tasks 0.1.3

Adds tracking to rake tasks including error capturing and logging.

50.547 Descargas

trackable_tasks 0.1.3

Adds tracking to rake tasks including error capturing and logging.

50.547 Descargas

Soroban 0.1.0

Soroban makes it easy to extract and execute formulas from Excel spreadsheets. It rewri...

50.430 Descargas

SiriProxy-SamsungRemote 0.1.0

Bringing together the work of plamoni on the SiriProxy and pjnewman's iPhone Protocol D...

50.337 Descargas


APN on Rails is a Ruby on Rails gem that allows you to easily add Apple Push Notificati...

50.229 Descargas

capistrano-benchmark 0.0.4

Benchchmark cpaistrano-tasks like whoa

50.155 Descargas

yettings 0.1.1

Create settings/contants for your Rails 3 app using yml key/value pairs

50.004 Descargas

slightcms 0.1.5

Tsmal cms

49.975 Descargas

threetaps-client 1.0.14

A Ruby gem for accessing the 3taps API. See more at

49.782 Descargas

racked 1.0.3

Allows you to manage your rackspace hosted mailboxes, eg. create a new mailbox.

49.629 Descargas

swttt-gem 1.6.0


49.414 Descargas

geti 1.9

A middleware gem for interfacing with Global eTelecom's ACH processing service.

49.411 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.583.609

Para esta versión 485.267



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
