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rake-compiler 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 rake-compiler

ruby-libstorj 2.0.0

Ruby bindings to the libstorj C Storj API library

8,537 下载

yarv_generator 0.2.3

Ruby YARV instructions are too "internal" and hard to access from outside. This gem was...

8,528 下载

awesome-grpc-that-works 0.12.2

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

8,498 下载

rmagick-windows 2.16.5

RMagick is an interface between Ruby and ImageMagick. Fix for windows.

8,424 下载

rodsec 0.0.5

A ruby ffi wrapper for ModSecurity that also provides a Rack middleware

8,415 下载


A simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql

8,397 下载

journalist 0.0.3

Journalist is a gem that intends to make it really easy to get visibility into any ru...

8,394 下载

libpng-ruby 0.7.0

libpng interface for ruby

8,394 下载

class_stat 0.0.3

Collect statistics about Class and Modules.

8,386 下载

worldgen 0.0.4

Gem to handle procedural content generation for worlds.

8,340 下载

picojson_ruby 0.0.3

Memory saving JSON merge. Using picojson

8,339 下载

red-arrow-nmatrix 0.0.4

Red Arrow NMatrix adds `Arrow::Tensor#to_nmatrix` for Apache Arrow to NMatrix conversio...

8,301 下载

websocket-protocol 0.0.0

WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O

8,284 下载

websocket-protocol 0.0.0

WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O

8,284 下载

grammar_cop 0.1.1

This gem uses link-grammar's dictionary and parser to determine if a sentence is gramma...

8,256 下载

rygments 0.2.0

Rygments is a Ruby wrapper for the Pygments syntax highlighter. It uses an embedded Pyt...

8,243 下载

torrent_client 0.2.1

A simple Ruby torrent downloader

8,231 下载

lost 1.0.1

Find where you are with CoreLocation!

8,182 下载

objspace_helpers 0.0.3

Diff the heap to find leaks & get other ObjectSpace info more easily.

8,128 下载

sunxi_gpio 0.1.0

Native Ruby Extension to work with Sunxi GPIO

8,072 下载

hallo_welt 0.0.3

This is a hello world example for a gem with native extensions

8,070 下载

b32 1.0.0

Base32 Ruby C Extension

8,028 下载

imforger 0.2.2

Imforger [short for Image Forger, because we are making copies of images] This class r...

8,020 下载

heatshrink 0.1.0

data compression library for embedded/real-time systems

8,012 下载

rugged-redis 0.2.2

Enables rugged to store bare repositories entirely in Redis

8,004 下载

rubex 0.1.2

A Ruby-like language for writing Ruby C extensions. Rubex keeps you happy even when wr...

8,003 下载

poker_eval 0.0.3

poker evaluation Ruby Interface

7,969 下载

tight-redcarpet 3.2.0

A fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser patched to have smaller headings...

7,952 下载

stackprofx 0.3.0

stackprofx is a hacky derivative of stackprof, the sampling profiler for Ruby 2.1+.

7,941 下载

libv8-solaris 7.3.492.27.1

Distributes the V8 JavaScript engine in binary and source forms in order to support fas...

7,929 下载

下载总量 14,814,436

这个版本 365,578




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.8.7

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.8.23
