Dependencias inversas para rake-compiler La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rake-compiler
libsql 0.1.0
libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...
2.169 Descargas
libsql 0.1.0
libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...
2.169 Descargas
libsql 0.1.0
libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...
2.169 Descargas
nokogiri-xmlsec-ap 0.0.5
Adds support to Ruby for encrypting, decrypting, signing and validating the signatu...
2.159 Descargas
firebird 0.10.0
Ruby Firebird Extension Library
2.153 Descargas
data-buffer 0.0.1
The gem to operate low level I/O data buffer.
2.137 Descargas
timeout_ext 0.0.0
Uses the CCAN timer implementation and hooks in the main Ruby VM to speed up timeout.rb
2.111 Descargas
sdl2_vulkan 0.1.0
Adds on to ruby-sdl2 to expose Vulkan functions
2.099 Descargas
psych-with-location 3.0.0.beta3
Psych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[
2.099 Descargas
zweifische 1.0.1
Ruby binding for @drewcsillag twofish implementation
2.095 Descargas
ffi-heroku-18 1.9.25
Ruby FFI library
2.094 Descargas
open_image 0.0.1
Currently Under Construction
2.093 Descargas
new_remote 0.1.0
NewRemoteSwitch for Arduino ported to Raspberry Pi
2.093 Descargas
min_max 0.1.7
A min max heap extension for Ruby
2.078 Descargas
boxybox 0.1.2
Draws terminal ascii boxes, and boxes within boxes
2.067 Descargas
hellojava 0.0.6
call from jruby to java.
2.064 Descargas
priority_queue_cxx17 0.3.5
Fast priority queue implementation (c++ wrapper, see for a comparison with ot...
2.061 Descargas
meowhash 0.4.0
Meow Hash C extension for Ruby
2.059 Descargas
tinycaptcha 1.0.0
This is a gem wrapper for tiny captcha in C with no dependencies.
2.045 Descargas
commonmarkercomrak 0.23.7
A fast, safe, extensible parser for CommonMark. This wraps the comrak Rust crate.
2.044 Descargas
screamin 0.1.0
Freeing you to focus on developing your application.
2.042 Descargas
credo-detector 0.1.3
Credo detector
2.028 Descargas
stapsdt 0.1.0
Define SDT (DTrace) probes at runtime in a Ruby program
2.026 Descargas
pnmatrix 1.2.4
NMatrix is a linear algebra library for Ruby, written mostly in C and C++.
2.007 Descargas
sdl2-win93 1.0.0
Ruby/SDL2 is an extension library to use SDL 2.x (Simple DirectMedia Layer). SDL 2....
1.986 Descargas
shellixyz-serialport 1.3.2
Ruby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports. ...
1.977 Descargas
perb 0.4.0
perb allows perf to profile ruby
1.971 Descargas
capn_proto-rpc 0.1.1.alpha.rpc
This gem wraps the official C++ implementation of Cap'n Proto (libcapnp). From the Cap'...
1.967 Descargas
rdavila-rugged 0.24.0b13
Rugged is a Ruby bindings to the libgit2 linkable C Git library. This is for testing an...
1.945 Descargas
zindosteg 1.0.1
Use steganography to hide and encrypt data inside JPG, PNG, and BMP files.
1.900 Descargas