RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rake-compiler La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rake-compiler

pcptrace 1.0.0

Ruby bindings for PCP tracing library pcp_trace

2.388 Descargas

libxml-io 0.1.0

Allow to register an I/O callback for handling parser input (xmlRegisterInputCallbacks)...

2.386 Descargas

rusty_symbol 0.2.0

Symbol#start_with? and #end_with? methods implemented in Rust

2.382 Descargas

zxing_cpp_mac_big_sur 0.1.1

A barcode and QR code library that works with regular Ruby (not just JRuby). This gem c...

2.376 Descargas


This gem implements pure Levenshtein algorithm, Damerau modification (where 2 character...

2.367 Descargas

paradox 0.0.1

Work-in-progress, placeholder only for now

2.362 Descargas

grpc-z 1.11.1

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

2.361 Descargas

imgclip 0.1.2

Save images from the clipboard!

2.355 Descargas

ipcloak 1.0

IP scrambling for ruby developers

2.343 Descargas

yoga_layout 0.0.1

FFI-based wrapper of the cross-platform Yoga layout library

2.342 Descargas

danabr75-opengl 0.10.0

PATCHED FOR WINDOWS: An OpenGL wrapper for Ruby. opengl contains bindings for OpenGL. ...

2.331 Descargas

immutable_set 0.1.0

A faster, immutable replacement for Ruby's Set

2.298 Descargas

perf_counters 0.1.0

Read the CPU's performance counters perf_event_open(2)

2.297 Descargas

sigcdump 0.1.0

Sigdump for C backtrace

2.295 Descargas

libbom 0.1.0

Native library (based on hogliux/bomutils) to access Apple BOM (Bill of Materials) files.

2.292 Descargas

bottomless_void 0.0.1

instantiates other instances of NilClass

2.291 Descargas

google-protobuf-z 3.5.1

Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.

2.278 Descargas

edit_distance 0.1.0

Calculate edit distance (levenshtein distance)

2.277 Descargas

fast_activesupport 0.1.0

Active Support impelementation in C for the ones who need for speed.

2.275 Descargas

is_it_utf8 0.1.0

Fast UTF8 Validator

2.274 Descargas

ed25519_blake2b 0.1.1

Ruby library for ed25519, but with blake2b as the hashing function as required by the N...

2.270 Descargas

finalize_block 0.1.0

Joke gem - This gem provide `finalize_block` method.

2.265 Descargas

simple_clipboard 0.0.1

A simple gem for accessing the clipboard, based on libclipboard

2.253 Descargas

one_signal-capn_proto 0.0.1

This gem wraps the official C++ implementation of Cap'n Proto (libcapnp). From the Cap'...

2.237 Descargas

pandoc_rb 0.2.2

Fast bindings to Pandoc through Ruby's C FFI gem and Haskell's C FFI

2.213 Descargas

nth_permutation 0.1.0

Nth permutation finding algorithm, which is implemented in ruby c-extension.

2.208 Descargas

usleep 0.0.1

A Ruby library that can execute a sleep while holding the Global VM Lock, which is path...

2.188 Descargas

vm_tiny_tds 2.1.2

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

2.186 Descargas

jruby-stemmer-other 0.0.2

Native java implementation of a string stemming algorithm. JRuby replacement for `fast-...

2.180 Descargas

libsql 0.1.0

libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...

2.169 Descargas

Total de descargas 14.917.043

Para esta versión 399.207

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.7

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 1.8.23
