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rake-compiler-dock 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rake-compiler-dock

ioext_c 0.1.0

IO extenstion with Windows CRT function.

6,385 下載

ioext_c 0.1.0

IO extenstion with Windows CRT function.

6,385 下載

ioext_c 0.1.0

IO extenstion with Windows CRT function.

6,385 下載

wj_eventmachine 1.3.2

EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...

4,577 下載

jitera-google-protobuf 3.21.12.pre.beta.3

Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.

4,432 下載

grpc-flamingo 1.15.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

3,641 下載

google-protoc 3.0.0.alpha.6.0.0

Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.

3,253 下載

bigdecimal-fix 1.4.4

This library provides arbitrary-precision decimal floating-point number class.

3,247 下載

roostify-pkcs11 0.2.5

This module allows Ruby programs to interface with "RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Cryptogr...

2,941 下載

tiny_tds_vagas 1.0.5

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

2,839 下載

alinta-ffi 1.9.19

Ruby FFI library

2,746 下載

grpc-z 1.11.1

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

2,275 下載

danabr75-opengl 0.10.0

PATCHED FOR WINDOWS: An OpenGL wrapper for Ruby. opengl contains bindings for OpenGL. ...

2,245 下載

google-protobuf-z 3.5.1

Protocol Buffers are Google's data interchange format.

2,174 下載

vm_tiny_tds 2.1.2

TinyTDS - A modern, simple and fast FreeTDS library for Ruby using DB-Library. Develope...

2,108 下載

psych-with-location 3.0.0.beta3

Psych is a YAML parser and emitter. Psych leverages libyaml[

2,045 下載

vinted-prometheus-client-mmap 1.7.0

A suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...

2,031 下載

vinted-prometheus-client-mmap 1.7.0

A suite of instrumentation metric primitives that can be exposed through a web services...

2,031 下載

ffi-heroku-18 1.9.25

Ruby FFI library

2,014 下載

libsql 0.1.0

libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...

1,852 下載

libsql 0.1.0

libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...

1,852 下載

libsql 0.1.0

libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...

1,852 下載

libsql 0.1.0

libsql embeds the libsql fork of the SQLite database engine as a ruby extension. There ...

1,852 下載


EventMachine implements a fast, single-threaded engine for arbitrary network communicat...

1,246 下載

gitlab-grpc 1.42.1.gitlab

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

991 下載

nokogiri-backport 1.11.0

Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby. It provide...

313 下載

glu2 8.4.0

Glu bindings for the opengl gem, split into a separate gem because of Glu deprecation.

160 下載

glut2 8.4.0

Glut bindings for OpenGL. To be used with the {opengl}[

154 下載

總下載次數 3,217,089

這個版本 63,133




Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
