RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour railties Latest version of the following gems require railties

fancybox2-rails 0.2.8

This gem provides jQuery FancyBox 2 for your Rails 3.1/4.0 application. This gem is bas...

1 459 662 Téléchargements

font_awesome5_rails 1.5.0

font_awesome5_rails provides Font-Awesome 5 support.

1 393 175 Téléchargements

sewing_kit 0.130.1

Shopify's modern front-end tooling, nicely packaged for Rails

1 390 741 Téléchargements

datagrid 1.8.1

This allows you to easily build datagrid aka data tables with sortable columns and filters

1 374 602 Téléchargements

bootstrap_colorpicker_rails 1.0.2

Rails integration for Bootstrap Colorpicker, with simpel_form input.

1 371 319 Téléchargements

ember-rails 0.21.0

Ember for Rails 3.1+

1 366 296 Téléchargements

fancybox-rails 0.3.1

This gem provides jQuery FancyBox for your Rails application.

1 331 897 Téléchargements

field_test 0.6.0

A/B testing for Rails

1 326 746 Téléchargements

dartsass-rails 0.5.0

Integrate Dart Sass with the asset pipeline in Rails.

1 318 579 Téléchargements

rambulance 3.1.0

Rambulance provides a simple and safe way to dynamically generate error pages.

1 315 205 Téléchargements

sequel-rails 1.2.2

Integrate Sequel with Rails (3.x and 4.x)

1 283 974 Téléchargements


Parsley.js bundled for Rails Asset Pipeline

1 278 991 Téléchargements


Font Awesome, SASS version, with assets pipeline, for Rails 3.1+

1 278 661 Téléchargements

slowpoke 0.5.0

Rack::Timeout enhancements for Rails

1 272 953 Téléchargements

prawn_rails 0.0.12

The prawn_rails gem provides a Prawn based view engine for creating PDFs with rails.

1 270 126 Téléchargements

material_icons 4.0.0

Add Google Material Icons in your Rails projects easily. It is a library with +2500 ico...

1 260 016 Téléchargements

turbo-sprockets-rails4 1.2.5

Speed up asset precompliation by compiling assets in parallel.

1 246 517 Téléchargements

rails-healthcheck 1.4.0

A simple way to configure a healthcheck route for a Rails application

1 243 022 Téléchargements

data-confirm-modal 1.6.3

This gem overrides Rails' UJS behaviour to open up a Bootstrap Modal instead of the bro...

1 235 092 Téléchargements

intl-tel-input-rails 12.3.0

A jQuery plugin for entering and validating international telephone numbers. This g...

1 232 977 Téléchargements

aws-healthcheck 2.0.0

Mounts a Rack app at /healthcheck that returns a 200 for AWS load balancers

1 229 408 Téléchargements

google-cloud-debugger 0.42.2

google-cloud-debugger is the official library for Stackdriver Debugger.

1 219 010 Téléchargements

neo4j 9.6.2

A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.

1 202 209 Téléchargements

marco-polo 2.0.3

MarcoPolo shows your app name and environment in your console prompt so you don't accid...

1 196 797 Téléchargements

wysihtml-rails 0.5.5

A wysiwyg text editor for Rails assets pipeline

1 165 792 Téléchargements

spectrum-rails 1.8.1

A ruby gem that uses the Rails asset pipeline to include the Spectrum jQuery plugin by ...

1 164 402 Téléchargements

i18n_generators 2.2.2

A Rails generator that generates Rails I18n locale files with automatic translation for...

1 163 654 Téléchargements

packs-rails 0.0.5

packs-rails establishes and implements a set of conventions for splitting up large mono...

1 163 442 Téléchargements

konacha 4.0.0

Konacha is a Rails engine that allows you to test your JavaScript with the mocha test f...

1 142 251 Téléchargements

paperclip-meta 3.1.0

Add width, height and size methods to paperclip images

1 127 424 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 519 135 949

Pour cette version 1 119 688



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7.0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
