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rack-deadline 1.0.1

rack-deadline is a simple rack middleware that automatically clears sessions that have been open too long (by default, 1 day). This is designed for use with cookie stores to mitigate the risk of session fixation, since it is impossible to invalidate older sessions with a pure cookie-based approach. It is impossible to enforce a deadline with the standard rack cookie session API. The expire_after setting is not part of the session itself (it's part of the cookie, and not cryptographically signed), and an attacker who has access to a previous cookie can just omit it when making a request. This stores a deadline inside the crytographically signed session, and once the deadline is passed, the session will no longer be valid.




  1. 1.0.1 January 27, 2015 (7.5 KB)
  2. 1.0.0 January 28, 2014 (7.5 KB)



  • Jeremy Evans

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 5,929

For this version 3,346

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: >= 0
