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quke 0.4.0

Quke tries to simplify the process of writing and running acceptance tests by setting up Cucumber for you. It handles the config to allow you to run your tests in Firefox and Chrome, or the headless browser PhantomJS. It also has out of the box setup for using Browserstack automate. This leaves you to focus on just your features and steps.

= In die Zwischenablage kopieren Kopiert!



  1. 0.10.0 - March 02, 2019 (29 KB)
  2. 0.9.1 - February 28, 2019 (27,5 KB)
  3. 0.9.0 - February 28, 2019 (27,5 KB)
  4. 0.8.0 - February 27, 2019 (27 KB)
  5. 0.7.1 - February 27, 2019 (29 KB)
  6. 0.4.0 - December 04, 2017 (38 KB)
Zeige alle Versionen (21 total)

Runtime Abhängigkeiten (8):

capybara ~> 2.9
cucumber ~> 2.4
launchy ~> 2.4
poltergeist ~> 1.10
site_prism ~> 2.9

Development Abhängigkeiten (7):

bundler ~> 1.12
rake ~> 10.5
rdoc ~> 4.2
rspec ~> 3.5
simplecov ~> 0.12



  • Alan Cruikshanks

SHA 256-Prüfsumme:

= In die Zwischenablage kopieren Kopiert!

Downloads insgesamt 35.411

Für diese Version 1.613



Erforderliche Ruby-Version: >= 1.9
