RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour puma Latest version of the following gems require puma

tivohmo 0.3.2

Allows one to author Tivo HMO applications using ruby

27 358 Téléchargements

authify-api 0.5.0

Authify API Server library

27 260 Téléchargements

pumi 0.27.0

Villages (ភូមិ), Communes (ឃុំ - សង្កាត់), Districts (ស្រុក - ខណ្ឌ) and Provinces (ខេត្...

27 020 Téléchargements

pludoni_rspec 0.21

pludoni GmbH's RSpec template. Just require in spec_helper

26 995 Téléchargements

decko-cucumber 0.17.0

cucumber support for decko monkeys

26 815 Téléchargements

ndr_error 2.3.1

Mountable engine for exception logging and fingerprinting

26 632 Téléchargements

hyper-mesh 0.6.0

HyperMesh gives your HyperReact components CRUD access to your ActiveRecord models on t...

26 607 Téléchargements

cuboid 0.2.11

An application-centric, decentralised and distributed computing solution.

26 557 Téléchargements

activehook 0.1.9

Fast and simple webhook delivery microservice for Ruby.

26 542 Téléchargements

alb-test 10.1.15

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

26 480 Téléchargements

dismissible_blocks 2.0.4

Dismiss HTML blocks and save state in the database. Engine for Ruby on Rails.

26 160 Téléchargements

nestene 0.2.1

Nestene Automation Framework

26 063 Téléchargements

pairing_matrix 3.0.0

Draw pairing matrix from given repos and configurations

25 867 Téléchargements

hobby-devtools 0.0.13

My setup for development of Hobby-related projects.

25 647 Téléchargements

as2 0.12.0

Simple AS2 server and client implementation. Follows the AS2 implementation from http:/...

25 556 Téléchargements

ndr_ui 4.1.0

Provides Rails applications with additional support for the Twitter Bootstrap UI framework

25 105 Téléchargements

collab 0.5.0

Collaborative editing on Rails.

25 059 Téléchargements

active_admin-state_machine 1.1.0

Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & state_machine

24 776 Téléchargements

igg 0.0.10

Several tools for fast developing an ImpactJS Game, include generators and built-in ser...

24 721 Téléchargements

h2ocube_rails_puma 0.1.0

Puma plugin for Rails and Capistrano

24 477 Téléchargements

sensible_logging 0.4.8

Sensible logging defaults for your Sinatra app

23 884 Téléchargements

greenhat 0.7.4

Experimental SOS and Log Parser for GitLab

23 599 Téléchargements

all_my_circuits 0.2.0

Circuit Breaker library with support for rolling-window absolute/percentage thresholds

23 502 Téléchargements

wobauth 6.0.1

Rails engine providing MVCs for User, Group, Role, Membership and Authority

23 445 Téléchargements

loadrunner 0.4.4

Run your GitHub webhook server and Send simulated github events

23 368 Téléchargements

seiten 1.0.2

Seiten lets you create static pages for your Rails project and provides you with some c...

23 217 Téléchargements

rack-env_ribbon 0.2.1

Add env ribbon on your rack application views.

23 131 Téléchargements

dokno 1.4.12

Dokno allows you to easily mount a self-contained knowledgebase / wiki / help system to...

23 046 Téléchargements

daioikachan 0.0.9

Ikachan compatible interface with multiple backends (IRC, Slack, etc)

22 921 Téléchargements

sample_core_api 0.1.0

Sample Core API gem

22 378 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 373 728 474

Pour cette version 13 493 920



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
