RubyGems Navigation menu

public_suffix 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 public_suffix

certman 0.10.0

CLI tool for AWS Certificate Manager.

29,210 下载

demandbase 0.2.0

Ruby wrapper for the Demandbase API

26,305 下载

site-inspector 3.2.0

Returns information about a domain's technology and capabilities

25,374 下载

webinspector 0.5.0

Ruby gem to inspect completely a web page. It scrapes a given URL, and returns you its ...

24,288 下载

briard 2.9.4

Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata from and to different ...

23,979 下载

nhkore 0.3.14

Scrapes NHK News Web (Easy) for the word frequency (core list) for Japanese language le...

23,119 下载

rack-protection-maximum_cookie 0.4.2

Properly enforce cookie limits in Rack responses

18,847 下载

url_parser 0.5.0

Extended URI capabilities built on top of Addressable::URI. Extract, parse, unescape, n...

17,354 下载

stub_requests 0.1.11

An abstraction on top of WebMock to build stubbed HTTP requests

17,008 下载

social_parser 1.1.0

Parse social media attributes from url or construct url from attributes

15,393 下载

enscalator 0.4.4

Webscale applications from AIR at en-japan inc.

14,528 下载

social_media_parser 0.1.5

Parse social media attributes from url or construct url from attributes

14,233 下载

apullo 0.2.0

A scanner for basic network fingerprints

13,803 下载

certflare 0.1.10

This summary is a summary of a summary

12,981 下载

harpoon 0.0.8

Deploy small server-less webapps to amazon s3, including buckets, dns and permissions

12,898 下载

fastlane_iac_publish 0.1.5

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

11,869 下载

osa 0.2.3

Get rid of spam on your Outlook account

11,809 下载

govuk_seed_crawler 3.2.1

Retrieves a list of URLs to seed the crawler by publishing them to a RabbitMQ exchange.

11,082 下载

ampersat 1.0.1

Calculates which email domains your subscribers use

10,813 下载

forbes-finder 0.1.2

Look up Forbes 2000 companies based on a domain name or email address

10,185 下载

gfwlist2ipset 0.0.4

Generate dnsmasq ipset configure file from gfwlist

10,063 下载

mail_provider 0.1.0

Smartly check whether a given email/domain belongs to a free or disposable mail provi...

9,905 下载

ubi 0.0.8

Find all those devices connected in LAN

9,868 下载

flare-url 0.1.3

Url and Mail string parsers.

8,057 下载

ukemi 0.4.1

A CLI tool for querying passive DNS services

7,910 下载

ykfastlane 0.3.13

基于fastlane的 iOS 打包工具.

7,757 下载

aquanaut 0.1.2

Aquanaut creates a sitemap dynamically based on a given domain.

7,617 下载

feedie_the_feed 0.3.2

A feed posts aggregator for rss and facebook pages

7,331 下载

dns-check 0.1.1

CLI based DNS propagation check tool

6,880 下载

yun-logistics 1.0.3

logistics interface.

6,800 下载

下载总量 712,161,226

这个版本 7,875,718



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.6
