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pry-stack_explorerの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はpry-stack_explorerを必要としています

eitil 2.0.9

Eitil (eitje utility) never stops increasing your life's efficacy and productivity, yay...

137,555 ダウンロード数


Generic approval queues for record creation and updates

126,016 ダウンロード数

inbox 2.0.1

Gem for interacting with the Nylas API.

123,527 ダウンロード数

activerecord-bixformer 0.4.19

a framework for xross transformer between ActiveRecord and other format.

119,007 ダウンロード数

deep_dive 0.3.7

When you have a system of objects that have many references to each other, it becomes a...

118,954 ダウンロード数

ls-trace 0.2.0

ls-trace is LightStep's fork of Datadog’s tracing client for Ruby. It is used to trace ...

117,685 ダウンロード数

right_chimp 2.4

The Chimp is a tool for managing servers using the RightScale platform.

116,857 ダウンロード数

smoke_detector 2.0.1

Provides a single interface for posting errors to multiple error reporting providers (A...

115,236 ダウンロード数

lspace 0.14

Provides the convenience of global variables, without the safety concerns.

113,727 ダウンロード数

front_end_builds 1.0.3

Rails engine to manage front end builds and deployments

108,561 ダウンロード数

pry-exception_explorer 0.2.3

Enter the context of exceptions

108,138 ダウンロード数

macaroons 1.0.0

Macaroons library in Ruby

101,910 ダウンロード数

graphql-pundit 0.7.1

Pundit authorization support for graphql

100,155 ダウンロード数

nrser 0.3.12

basic ruby utils i use in a lot of stuff.

98,409 ダウンロード数

dynamic_scaffold 2.0.1

It is customizable and flexible scaffold who support sort and the pagination.

96,477 ダウンロード数

fuel 0.4.10

Fuel's goal is to be a simple yet customizable blogging gem.

94,915 ダウンロード数

music-transcription 0.21.0

The goal of music-transcription is the abstract representation of standard musical fea...

93,347 ダウンロード数

grade_runner 0.0.12

This gem runs your RSpec test suite and posts the JSON output to

87,197 ダウンロード数

boss_queue 0.5.4

A fault tolerant job queue built around Amazon SQS & DynamoDB

80,272 ダウンロード数

bucky-core 0.10.27

Bucky-core can run test code which is written in YAML. End-to-End test (working with Se...

79,887 ダウンロード数

ansible-powerplay 1.4.7

Ansible Powerplay, by way of its DSL, allows you to specify your...

77,292 ダウンロード数


【react&rails】notee is creating CMS(blog) gem by only one command.

76,938 ダウンロード数

couchbase-orm 2.0.4

A Couchbase ORM for Rails

73,344 ダウンロード数

pry-plus 1.0.0

pry-doc + pry-docmore + pry-debugger + pry-stack_explorer + pry-rescue + bond + jist

71,359 ダウンロード数

datamappify 0.60.0

Compose, decouple and manage domain logic and data persistence separately. Works partic...

71,222 ダウンロード数

insano_image_resizer 0.8.1

An image resizing gem that generates smaller versions of requested ...

69,408 ダウンロード数

jazz_hands2 1.0.2

Spending hours in the rails console? Spruce it up and show off those hard-working hands...

66,767 ダウンロード数

superbara 0.15.1

Better way to build Capybara tests

64,921 ダウンロード数

hero 0.2.0

A simplified state machine.

63,735 ダウンロード数

oxymoron 1.2.8

Make your Single Page Application with new architecture

58,934 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 41,013,640

このバージョンのみ 15,714,394




必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.6.0
