RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para pry-rescue La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren pry-rescue

lzo 0.1.0

LZO bindings for all Rubies + LZOP streaming

15.275 Descargas

model_to_googlesheet 2.3.1

A Railtie that allows you to configute model export to your google worksheet with just ...

14.997 Descargas

url_params_manager 0.6.0

Allows SEO Friendly urls for search pages to be built easily. Intended to be used with ...

14.899 Descargas

pry-capture 1.0

This gem just installs pry-rescue. Please prefer that gem.

13.980 Descargas

xcoed 1.0.1

Automate adding Swift PM packages to an Xcode project using a regular `Package.swift` f...

13.550 Descargas

libcbor 0.1.0

CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) implementation based on the libcbor C libra...

12.997 Descargas

the_shocker 0.3.1

Pry addons for Rails Development

12.625 Descargas

rzmq-enhancement 0.0.28

The ffi-rzmq wraps ZeroMQ nicely, but not in a Ruby-friendly manner. here, we take th...

12.574 Descargas

sparsematrix 0.1.1

Sparse matrix implementations (just Yale currently) in pure Ruby.

12.300 Descargas

pry-full18 0.4

Pry plugins approved for 1.8: pry-remote + pry-rescue + pry-nav + pry-awesome_print + p...

12.280 Descargas

fastlane_iac_publish 0.1.5

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

12.078 Descargas

wonko_the_sane 0.1.6

Pre-processing and format-unification of various resources mainly related to Minecraft

11.710 Descargas

ror_generators 0.2.5

Adds generators for react on rails modules

11.708 Descargas

dirble 0.0.4

Api wrapper for easier using dirble api.

11.113 Descargas

spirit_fingers 0.2.0

Everything you need to debug Rails apps

10.976 Descargas

attr_pow 0.0.5

attr_pow gives you smart attributes. You may sepecify defaults, use attr_pow for hoo...

10.534 Descargas

shutterstock-v2 0.0.1

see summary

10.464 Descargas

climer 0.1.0

Simple CLI timer

10.419 Descargas

markovite 0.2.5

Doctors hate this one weird trick that generates really good looking gibberish! Marko...

10.205 Descargas

activerecord-update 0.1.0

Batch updating for ActiveRecord models

10.202 Descargas

bronto-gem 0.1.0

Thesaurus gem

9.897 Descargas

stackprofiler 0.0.4

Web UI wrapper for the awesome stackprof profiler.

9.779 Descargas

vehiculum_audit 0.0.7

No one expects the code audit

9.756 Descargas

ttnt 0.0.4

Select test cases to run based on changes in committed code

9.637 Descargas

nose-cli 0.1.5

Schema design for NoSQL applications

9.015 Descargas

rubyneat_dashboard 0.4.1

A web-based Dashboard for your RubyNEAT development, http://localhost:3912

8.945 Descargas

sharpie 0.0.3

Static site generation with a familiar API.

8.807 Descargas

orgmode-code-extractor 0.0.5

Orgmode Code Extractor extracts embedded code from your org mode files, to sepe...

8.685 Descargas

creact 0.1.0

Provides React integration with Cuba

7.899 Descargas

git-conform 1.3.0

Conformity checking for git repositories

7.597 Descargas

Total de descargas 22.389.322

Para esta versión 548.618



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
