RubyGems Navigation menu

pry-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 pry-rails

oxymoron 1.2.8

Make your Single Page Application with new architecture

56,044 下載

ikazuchi 1.2.1

meta-package of useful gems for rails development

55,695 下載

postgres_upsert 5.1.0

Uses Postgres's powerful COPY command to upsert large sets of data into ActiveRecord ta...

53,312 下載

montage_rails 1.0.0

Makes Rails play nice with Montage

53,132 下載

pragma-rails 2.3.0

Ruby on Rails integration for the Pragma architecture.

52,053 下載

ad2games-ui_components 2.4.2

UI components for ad2games projects

50,017 下載

my_dashboard 0.8.6

Generate awesome widgets dashboard for Rails with FlexBox.

49,211 下載

static_blocks 1.2.1

Create static blocks of content. Place them anywhere in your views.

49,051 下載

acts_as_published 1.1.0

Acts as published beahviour for active record models.

47,741 下載

mr_clean 0.1.2

A plain ruby library for filtering profanity, spam and such based on black listed words

46,381 下載

cmor_showcase 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Showcase Module.

44,589 下載

cmor_partners 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Partners Module.

44,563 下載

magi 0.1.6

I am Magi.

44,550 下載

cmor_showcase_frontend 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Showcase::Frontend Module.

44,392 下載

controller_scaffolding 1.4.4

Creates controller and extended scaffolding for the model specified.

44,120 下載

snapshotable 0.5.0

Stores a model attributes in a time period

43,520 下載

rails-add_ons 2.2.1

The missing bits.

43,286 下載

cmor_partners_frontend 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Partners::Frontend Module.

43,008 下載

awesome_pry 0.0.1

Replaces your application's console with pry powered by awesome_print.

42,040 下載

developmentkit 0.2.2

standard gem set for development

40,531 下載

katapaty 1.1.1

A ruby gem for communicating with a Counterparty (Bitcoin / XCP) API server

40,338 下載

super 0.22.0

A simple, powerful, zero dependency Rails admin framework

39,771 下載

punto_pagos_rails 1.6.0

Rails engine to manager transactions using acidlabs's puntopagos-ruby gem

39,354 下載

debug_exceptions_json 0.2.6

A Rack application for debugging in API server on Rails. Debug exception with json.

38,702 下載

activeadmin_jobs 0.5.2

It's a Rails engine that allows you to play nice with Active Job in Active Admin provid...

38,671 下載

qbrick 2.7.1

Qbrick is a Rails engine that offers a simple CMS.

38,566 下載

yuba 0.0.9

Add New Layers to Rails. Form, Service, ViewModel.

37,789 下載

notifly 0.3.6

This project intend to offer a full notification system, back and front-end.

36,820 下載

seems_rateable 2.0.0

Star rating engine using jQuery plugin jRating for Rails applications

36,624 下載

vpnmaker 1.0.11

haml templates and key tracking

35,955 下載

總下載次數 157,523,088

這個版本 113,637,148



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.1
