procto 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 procto
mprelude 0.1.0
Minimal prelude alike classes
1,165,654 下载
morpher 0.4.2
Domain Transformation Algebra
697,639 下载
avrolution 0.9.0
Support for the evolution of Avro schemas stored in a schema registry.
136,680 下载
cognito-client 0.5.4
Unofficial Ruby client for the BlockScore Cognito API
103,826 下载
devtools 0.1.26
A metagem wrapping development tools
102,827 下载
signore 0.7.0
signore helps manage email signatures and select random ones based on their tags
46,604 下载
mutest 0.0.10
Mutation testing for ruby
38,217 下载
mutator_rails 0.1.17
Automate mutation testing to find weaknesses in code
15,886 下载
run_this_async 0.2.3
RunThisAsync allows you to call any chain of methods on a class (or object) asynchronou...
12,447 下载
mythal 0.2.1
Mythal is a command-line dice roller. Supports d4-d20. e.g. mythal roll 1d20 | mythal r...
8,935 下载
central-devtools 0.8.4
Shared development tasks for project Central Machine
5,896 下载
monkey_catch 0.0.1
Catch monkey patching
3,165 下载