Dépendances inversées pour pqueue Latest version of the following gems require pqueue
cicada 0.9.5
CICADA (Colocalization and In-situ Correction of Aberration for Distance Analysis) impl...
20 431 Téléchargements
quartz_torrent 0.2.0
A pure ruby bittorrent library
16 865 Téléchargements
jekyll-tfidf-related-posts 0.1.7
Jekyll plugin to show related posts based on the content, tags, and categories. The si...
13 007 Téléchargements
priority_mutex 0.0.4
Ruby gem implementing a Mutex which allows for preemptive queuing based on priority.
11 547 Téléchargements
ruby-polylabel 0.1.0
A ruby port of Mapbox's polylabel algorithm
11 544 Téléchargements
jekyll-related-posts 0.1.2
Proper related posts plugin for Jekyll - uses document correlation matrix on TF-IDF (op...
10 598 Téléchargements
BioDSL 1.0.2
BioDSL is a Bioinformatics Domain Specific Language.
8 813 Téléchargements
related-blog-posts 0.2.2
Jekyll plugin to show related posts based on the content, tags, and categories. The si...
8 605 Téléchargements
natural_20 0.2.1
A ruby based engine for building text based RPGs based on DnD 5th Edition rules
7 125 Téléchargements
fast_priority_queue 0.1.2
A blazzingly fast implementation of priority queue using Rust + Ruru
6 600 Téléchargements
dinject 0.2.0
Inspired by angular's inject, with addition of rules and flexibility.
4 959 Téléchargements
html-dom-diff 0.1.1
Given two closely related HTML documents find a useful diff
3 902 Téléchargements
jekyll-related-blog-posts 0.1.3
Jekyll plugin to show related posts based on the content, tags, and categories. The si...
3 453 Téléchargements
huffify 0.1.3
Huffify is a Ruby gem that provides functionality to encode and decode text data using ...
448 Téléchargements