RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour pony Latest version of the following gems require pony

chef-handler-mail 0.1.2

Chef report handler that uses pony to send an email

859 654 Téléchargements

routo 0.0.4

Sending sms with Routo Messaging HTTP API.

580 755 Téléchargements

desk 1.2.0

A Ruby wrapper for the REST API

409 228 Téléchargements

narou 3.9.0


391 906 Téléchargements


Arachni is a feature-full, modular, high-performance Ruby framework aimed towards helpi...

179 701 Téléchargements

locomotivecms_steam 1.7.1

The LocomotiveCMS Steam is the rendering stack used by both Wagon and Engine

158 466 Téléchargements

depengine 3.0.23

Simply generates Depengine text.

155 880 Téléchargements

acpc_table_manager 4.0.2

Backend components to the ACPC Poker GUI Client. Includes a player that saves states fr...

113 648 Téléchargements

do_snapshot 1.0.2

Snapshot creator for Digital Ocean droplets. Multi-threading inside. Auto-cleanup featu...

86 049 Téléchargements

marfa 0.10.2

Sinatra-based wrapper for our projects

79 406 Téléchargements

task-orchestrator 0.0.31

Simple task orchestration framework driven by Yaml config files

74 068 Téléchargements

sensu-plugins-ponymailer 1.0.0

Sensu plugins for ponymailer

71 866 Téléchargements

dynamo-autoscale 0.4.1

Will automatically monitor DynamoDB tables and scale them based on rules.

69 892 Téléchargements

ciquantum 0.0.22

Ciquantum is a sinatra-based continuous integration server, based on cijoe gem

69 539 Téléchargements

insulin 0.1.11

Take exported CSV from the OnTrack diabetes app, put it into MongoDB, and do interestin...

67 897 Téléchargements

forklift_etl 1.2.2

A collection of ETL tools and patterns for mysql and elasticsearch.

67 389 Téléchargements

mushy 0.25.0

This tool assists in the creation and processing of workflows.

66 390 Téléchargements

assistly 0.2.6

A Ruby wrapper for the Assistly REST API

63 724 Téléchargements

s3_db_assets_backup 0.2.4

Generates rake tasks for backing up and restoring your database and public folder (whic...

58 881 Téléchargements

chef-handler-users 0.1.2

Chef Handler that generates and sends email on any change to users

57 805 Téléchargements

absentee_camper 0.0.7

Monitors a Campfire room for @mentions, and emails the @mentioned user with the message...

57 386 Téléchargements

boutique 0.1.0

A Sinatra app that adds product checkouts and drip emails support to any websites (both...

45 521 Téléchargements

rusen 0.1.0

RUby Simple Exception Notification (a.k.a. rusen) as it names indicates is a ...

41 288 Téléchargements

latex_curriculum_vitae 2.1.6

latex_curriculum_vitae is a Rubygem which help you to write your job applications. The ...

38 249 Téléchargements

template_mailer 0.0.4

Template Mailer is a library that can be used to send emails that are created from temp...

36 249 Téléchargements

comsat 0.1.0

Notifications as a Gem

35 996 Téléchargements

pig-media-server 10000000

Pig Media Server

35 165 Téléchargements

subtrigger 0.3.1

This gem allows you to create simple Ruby triggers for Subversion commit messages, resp...

33 649 Téléchargements

sms_fu 1.1.2

SMS Fu allows you to send text messages to a mobile recipient for free. It leverages A...

33 157 Téléchargements

charted 0.1.1

A Sinatra app for tracking web traffic on multiple sites.

32 235 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 8 303 648

Pour cette version 2 718 307



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
