RubyGems Navigation menu

plist 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 plist

fanta 0.0.1

use Fanta to test/build your iOS application

4,095 下载

sublime_syntax_convertor 0.1.0

Converts tmLanguage to sublime-syntax

4,081 下载

porth-plist 0.0.1

Plain Old Ruby Template PLIST handler

4,073 下载

apple_push_certs 0.0.1

Generate Apple Push CSRs and Retrieve Certificates from the Apple Push Certificates Portal

3,965 下载

bluemoon 0.0.1

Enable or disable bluetooth on OS X based on your current location

3,913 下载

tm2sublime_snippets 0.0.1

Script for converting Textmate snippets to Sublime Text 2

3,910 下载

json2plist 0.0.1

Generate a Plist from any JSON document

3,842 下载

bjeanes-ultraviolet-tools 1.0.1

Some command line utilities for turning textmate bundles into themes and syntaxes for U...

3,815 下载

create_bundle 0.1.4

Create launcher app bundles with icon from app bundle

3,770 下载

ykcitool 0.4.14

基于fastlane的 iOS 打包工具.

3,730 下载

quotewall 0.0.1

Generate a beautiful wallpaper from a specified quote

3,625 下载

spoofer 0.1.0

A Ruby gem for faking external web services for testing

3,610 下载

playground-book-lint 0.0.1

Lints books for Swift Playgrounds on iOS

3,549 下载

mg2en 0.7.0

Convert MacGourmet plist export format to Evernote import format

3,545 下载

xwax_playlist 0.1.0

A small utility to parse an iTunes Library XML file and export xwax compatible playlists.

3,448 下载

carthagefetch 0.1.3

Auto import frameworks into a project

3,148 下载

SignValidator 0.1.0

check ios codesign cert and provision valid.

3,122 下载

sc-frank-ios 1.2.3

Use cucumber to test native iOS apps via Frank

3,101 下载

mdm 0.0.1

Mobile Device Management

2,976 下载

defaulty 0.1.0

OS X defaults handler

2,963 下载

ios_provisioning_profile_parser 0.0.4

Gem can parse following properties: profile identities, teams, profile name, bundle ID,...

2,935 下载

tm2gsv 0.1.0

Convert TextMate color scgemes to GTK Source View color schemes.

2,908 下载

encrust 1.0.0

Converts iTerm2 color schemes to Dwarf Fortress color files.

2,763 下载

applecert 0.1.0

mac tools for manage apple cert and provisioing

2,662 下载

xcode_log_parser 0.1.0

Parse and convert Xcode Log Parser

2,631 下载

change_bundleid 1.0.0

A tool to change the bundle identifier of an Xcode project

2,584 下载

willow_run 1.0.0

Willow Run is a Ruby API to the macOS/OSX airport command providing various wireless ut...

2,535 下载

fastlane-mercafacil 2.214.0

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

2,516 下载

dayone2md 0.1.0

Convert a DayOne Journal into Markdown textfiles

2,475 下载

oss_xcodesnippet 0.0.3

A command-line interface for installing Xcode Snippets.

2,350 下载

下载总量 127,485,459

这个版本 7,884,512



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
