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pg 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 pg

inst-jobs-statsd 4.0.1

Stats reporting for inst-jobs

435,718 下载

marty 14.3.0

Marty is a framework for viewing and reporting on versioned data.

428,797 下载

active_record_distinct_on 1.6.0

ActiveRecordDistinctOn adds support for `DISTINCT ON` to ActiveRecord. At the time of t...

423,694 下载

relation_to_struct 1.9.0

Return struct results from ActiveRecord relation queries

420,981 下载

geokit-rails3 0.1.5

Port of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Rails 3, as a gem

419,111 下载


Lalala: Probably the best CMS in the world

411,244 下载

enju_circulation 0.3.11

Circulation management for Next-L Enju

410,941 下载

console1984 0.2.0

Your Rails console, 1984 style

409,902 下载

transactional_capybara 0.2.0

Support for DB transactions with Capybara

406,456 下载

birthday 0.3.1

Birthday gem creates convienent methods for date and datetime fields in ActiveRecord, m...

400,465 下载

gitlab-exporter 15.0.0

GitLab metrics exporter to use with prometheus

394,515 下载

rails-bigint-primarykey 2.0.0

Easily use 64-bit primary keys in Rails

394,309 下载

pg-eyeballs 1.3.0

pg-eyeballs is a ruby gem that gives you detailed information about how the SQL queries...

393,153 下载

catarse_pagarme 3.0.1 engine for catarse

391,867 下载

pg-aws_rds_iam 0.5.0

PG::AWS_RDS_IAM is a plugin for the pg gem that adds support for IAM authentication whe...

377,268 下载

activerecord-covering-index 0.1.2

Extends ActiveRecord to support covering indexes in PostgreSQL using the INCLUDE clause.

372,684 下载

activerecord-hierarchical_query 1.4.5

Recursively traverse trees using a single SQL query

362,341 下载

postgresql 1.0.0

Requires 'pg', the Postgresql client for Ruby

352,659 下载

activeadmin-selleo-cms 0.0.61

ActiveAdmin CMS extension

350,075 下载

katello 4.12.1

Katello adds Content and Subscription Management to Foreman. For this it relies on Cand...

347,961 下载

sql_query 0.7.4

It makes working with pure SQL easier with syntax highlighting. Let's you clean you...

339,861 下载

pg_ha_migrations 1.8.0

Enforces DDL/migration safety in Ruby on Rails project with an emphasis on explicitly c...

331,039 下载

fluent-plugin-timescaledb 1.0.1

Write Fluent logs to TimescaleDB

329,239 下载

ar-sequence 0.2.1

Add support for PostgreSQL's SEQUENCE on ActiveRecord migrations

325,601 下载

state_of_the_nation 2.0.1

State of the Nation makes modeling object history easy.

324,003 下载

pwn 0.5.171

321,771 下载

tramway-core 5.0

Core for all Tramway Rails Engines

319,809 下载

decidim-core 0.28.1

Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.

315,417 下载

authpwn_rails 0.23.0

Works with Facebook.

314,308 下载

randumb 0.6.0

Adds the ability to pull random records from ActiveRecord

308,132 下载

下载总量 308,211,373

这个版本 6,553,786



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
