RubyGems Navigation menu

pg 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 pg

nexia_event_store 0.11.3

["A Ruby implementation of an EventSource (A+ES) tuned for Vertica or Postgres"]

105,293 下载

mongify 1.3.2

Mongify allows you to map your sql data into a mongodb document database with a simple ...

104,332 下载

pg_power 2.0.3

ActiveRecord extensions for PostgreSQL. Provides useful tools for schema, foreign_key, ...

103,225 下载

remi 0.3.3

Data manipulation and ETL in Ruby

102,082 下载

que-unique 1.1.0

A gem that removes duplicates when multiple copies of a que job are enqueued.

101,928 下载

activerecord-filter 7.0.1

A safe way to accept user parameters and query against your ActiveRecord Models

101,831 下载

enju_seed 0.3.6

Seed module for Next-L Enju

101,133 下载

sequent 7.1.1

Sequent is a CQRS and event sourcing framework for Ruby.

100,446 下载

slim_form_object 3.3.12

Very simple automatic generation and saving nested attributes of models from html form....

99,131 下载

contentful_rails 0.5.0

A gem to help with hooking Contentful into your Rails application

98,714 下载

pgrel 0.3.1

ActiveRecord extension for querying hstore and jsonb.

97,544 下载

partitioned 2.1.0

A gem providing support for table partitioning in ActiveRecord. Support is available fo...

96,691 下载

iknow_view_models 3.12.0

ViewModels provide a means of encapsulating a collection of related data and specifying...

96,134 下载

mtwarden 17.1.0

MTWarden Rails 5.1 engine adds basecamp style user logins (multi-tenant authetication u...

95,949 下载

modalfields 1.5.7

ModelFields is a Rails plugin that adds fields declarations to your models.

94,908 下载

sequel-advisory-locking 0.2.0

Easy use of Postgres' advisory locks in Sequel

94,866 下载

pg_audit_log 0.6.7

A completely transparent audit logging component for your application using a stored pr...

94,851 下载

virgo 0.3.17

Virgo is a comprehensive team blogging tool for Ruby on Rails

94,411 下载

faceted_search 3.6.2

All you need to create a faceted search, as simple as possible

93,609 下载

uploadbox 0.2.0

Uploadbox makes easy to manage files in your Rails application.

93,226 下载

rails-bigint-pk 1.2.0

Rails-bigint-pk modifies Rails so that it uses 64-bit primary and f...

93,157 下载

texticle 2.2.0

Texticle exposes full text search capabilities from PostgreSQL, extending ActiveRec...

92,917 下载

wbase 0.3.20

Views, Auth, Subscription, Static Pages for SAAS

92,470 下载

activerecord_views 0.1.7

Automatic database view creation for ActiveRecord

92,339 下载

roroacms 1.0.0

A full Ruby On Rails CMS engine that is built soley for the purpose of extensibility

90,959 下载

predicate 2.8.0

Predicate provides a simple class and processors to encode and manipulate (tuple) predi...

90,709 下载

lurker 1.0.0

The new de-facto for API testing your Rails application

90,401 下载

miteru 2.3.2

A phishing kit collector for scavengers

90,351 下载

jobshop 0.0.179

An Open Source Manufacturing Execution System

90,090 下载

fuzzily_reloaded 1.0.1

Fast fuzzy string matching for rails

90,087 下载

下载总量 327,392,913

这个版本 1,004,607




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
