RubyGems Navigation menu

parser 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 parser

bundler-commentate 0.3.0

Bundler plugin to add gem summaries to a Gemfile

2,893 下載

capataz 0.0.1

Provides Ruby code execution control by defining rules for syntax and runtime behavior.

2,735 下載

cenit-algorithms 0.0.1

Run algorithms retrieving their codes from Cenit.

2,624 下載

ast_builder 0.0.1

AstBuilder is an AST tool that makes it easier to build (and eventually manipulate) nodes

2,447 下載

rubbycop 0.49.0

Automatic Ruby code style checking tool. Aims to enforce the community-driven Ruby ...

2,397 下載

spec_file_generator 1.0.0

Command line utility to create spec file based on ruby class file.

2,323 下載

noraneko 0.1.0

Find candidate unused methods, views from rails app with static parse

2,303 下載

andyw8-seeing_is_believing 4.2.1

Records the results of every line of code in your file (intended to be like xmpfilter),...

2,244 下載

cucumber-reports 0.0.1

Gem that builds a very basic page with list of all the step deifinitions from the project.

2,216 下載

rubocop-modularization 0.0.6

Fill this out!

2,215 下載

rom-files 0.2.0

Files adapter for ROM

2,172 下載

cocoapods-dependsay 0.1.0

A short description of cocoapods-dependsay.

2,150 下載

rspecast 0.1.0

Build your rspec AST

2,087 下載

moguro 0.0.1

Decorator style assertions and type check library for Contract programming.

2,038 下載

sin_refinements 0.1.0

Enable Proc level Refinements forcibly.

2,026 下載

dehenzify 0.0.1


1,992 下載

sorbet_auto_typer 0.1.0

This let's you automatically type up your codebase by instrumenting code, (e.g. using t...

1,986 下載

cosmicgraph 0.49.5

IDE tools for code completion, inline documentation, and static analysis

1,985 下載

erb2rux 0.1.0

Automatically convert .html.erb files into .rux files.

1,849 下載

perb 0.4.0

perb allows perf to profile ruby

1,645 下載

homeconf 0.2.1

Homeconf is a Ruby program to create and manage a single directory for all home directo...

1,470 下載

cease 0.1.1

Cease is a tool that detects blocks of code to be removed at a specified time.

1,384 下載

namespacer-rb 0.1.10

For those times you realize you should have namespaced your class(es) or module(s).

1,328 下載

i18n-youdao-tasks 0.9.37

i18n-tasks helps you find and manage missing and unused translations. It analyses code...

1,236 下載

graphql_cody 1.13.0

A plain-Ruby implementation of GraphQL.

1,095 下載

syntax_tree-translator 0.1.0

Translate Syntax Tree into other representations

1,063 下載

gemfile_parser 0.1.0

A simple Gemfile parser.

1,043 下載


Ruby driver for ArangoDB's HTTP API arangodb-driver is a drop-in replacement for the (u...

880 下載

resyma 0.1.2

A regular syntax matcher facilitating DSL's construction

761 下載

siyousho 0.0.2

The Siyousho gem is designed to facilitate End-to-End (E2E) testing by automatically ge...

647 下載

總下載次數 476,542,628

這個版本 2,631,964



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
