packngaの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はpackngaを必要としています
test-unit-rr 1.0.5
You don't need RR setup codes with test-unit-rr. You just require "test/unit/rr".
3,465,667 ダウンロード数
activeldap 7.2.1
'ActiveLdap' is a ruby library which provides a clean objected oriented interface t...
771,168 ダウンロード数
groonga-command 1.5.3
Groonga-command is a library that represents [Groonga]('s command. ...
693,820 ダウンロード数
groonga-client 0.7.1
Groonga-client gem supports HTTP or [GQTP (Groonga Query Transfer Protocol)](http://gro...
671,718 ダウンロード数
rroonga 14.1.2
Rroonga is an extension library to use Groonga's DB-API layer. Rroonga provides Rubyish...
602,738 ダウンロード数
groonga-command-parser 1.1.5
Groonga-command-parser is a Ruby library to parses [groonga]('s com...
578,455 ダウンロード数
gqtp 1.0.8
Gqtp gem provides both GQTP client, GQTP server and GQTP proxy implementations. They pr...
560,906 ダウンロード数
test-unit-capybara 1.1.1
test-unit-capybara is a Capybara adapter for test-unit 2. You can get [Capybara](https:...
361,158 ダウンロード数
test-unit-activesupport 1.1.2
test-unit-activesupport is an ActiveSupport adapter for test-unit 3. You can use full t...
360,532 ダウンロード数
test-unit-rails 7.0.2
Rails supports Minitest but doesn't support test-unit.
351,641 ダウンロード数
test-unit-notify 1.0.4
A test result notify extension for test-unit. This provides test result notification su...
348,763 ダウンロード数
groonga-query-log 1.7.8
Groonga-query-log is a collection of library and tools to process [Groonga](http://groo...
313,922 ダウンロード数
epub-parser 0.4.8
Parse EPUB 3 book loosely
251,874 ダウンロード数
grntest 1.8.2
Grntest is a testing framework for Groonga. You can write a test for Groonga by writing...
222,104 ダウンロード数
activegroonga 4.2.1
Groonga provides both of full text search and column store features. ActiveGroonga + Gr...
144,681 ダウンロード数
fluent-plugin-groonga 1.2.3
There are two usages. 1) Store data into Groonga. 2) Implement Groonga replication syst...
57,358 ダウンロード数
droonga-client 0.2.2
Droonga client for Ruby
41,311 ダウンロード数
drntest 1.2.0
Drntest is a testing framework for Droonga. You can write a test for Droonga by writing...
34,670 ダウンロード数
droonga-engine 1.1.1
Droonga engine is a core component in Droonga system. Droonga is a scalable data proces...
31,519 ダウンロード数
chupa-text-decomposer-pdf 1.1.1
This is a ChupaText decomposer plugin for to extract text and meta-data from PDF. You ...
31,155 ダウンロード数
groonga-client-model 6.0.1
Groonga-client-model is a model interface for groonga-client.
29,876 ダウンロード数
fluent-plugin-droonga 1.0.1
Droonga (distributed Groonga) plugin for Fluent event collector
21,184 ダウンロード数
activeldap-fabrication 1.0.1
'ActiveLdap Fabrication' is an ActiveLdap adapter for Fabrication. It means that you ca...
20,910 ダウンロード数
fluent-plugin-github-activities 0.7.0
This provides ability to crawl public activities of users.
19,137 ダウンロード数
groonga-client-rails 0.9.7
[Groonga]( is a full text search engine. It also provides column st...
18,371 ダウンロード数
grn2drn 1.0.5
Grn2drn is a command to convert a *.grn dump file to a JSONs file for Droonga.
17,595 ダウンロード数
chupa-text-decomposer-webkit 1.0.8
This is a ChupaText decomposer plugin for to extract text and meta-data from WebKitGTK+...
17,540 ダウンロード数
racknga 0.9.5
Racknga is a Rack middlewares that uses Rroonga features.
15,998 ダウンロード数
drnbench 1.0.4
It may be used for other HTTP servers.
14,890 ダウンロード数
jekyll-task-i18n 1.1.0
jekyll-task-i18n is GitHub pages ready i18n approach for Jekyll.
14,740 ダウンロード数