RubyGems Navigation menu

ougai 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 ougai

zuora_connect 3.2.6

Description of Connect.

1,057,504 下载

zuora_api 1.11.11

Gem that provides easy integration to Zuora

615,000 下载

istox 0.3.9

istox backend shared gem

557,127 下载

contrast-agent 7.6.0

This gem instantiates a Rack middleware for rack-based web applications in order to pro...

233,590 下载

ougai-formatters-inline_readable 1.0.0

A simple single-line formatter for Ougai logs.

153,819 下载

getaround_utils 0.2.33

Shared base utility classes for Getaround Backend Applications.

108,772 下载

moleculer 0.3.0

This is a Ruby implementation of the Moleculer framework.

105,736 下载

pier_logging 0.4.3

Defines a basic structure for general and request logging

75,115 下载

ougai-formatters-customizable 1.0.1

This library aims at providing a fully flexible formatter compatible with the Ougai...

66,541 下载

strum-logs 1.0.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

36,438 下载

zuora_observability 0.3.4

Description of ZuoraObservability.

35,750 下载

labclient 0.7.0

Gitlab API Client.

32,617 下载

mayaml 5.0.0

Mail Accounts from Yaml config for mutt

26,803 下载

rack-ougai 0.3.0

Rack integration for the Ougai logger.

16,709 下载

berkeley_library-logging 0.2.7

A gem providing shared logging code for UC Berkeley Library gems and Rails applications

14,747 下载

pg_online_schema_change 0.9.8

Easy CLI tool for making non-blocking zero downtime schema changes in PostgreSQL

12,655 下载

modern 0.5.0

The OpenAPI-driven web framework for Ruby.

11,099 下载

research_metadata_batch 0.4.0

Batch processing for the Pure Research Information System.

6,289 下载

pg_easy_replicate 0.2.5

Easily setup logical replication and switchover to new database with minimal downtime

5,281 下载

ldap-group-manager 1.3.2

Manage ldap group membership as flat files

2,914 下载

micro_common 0.1.0

Microservice common utilities

2,595 下载

ougai-json-logger 0.1.3

A Ougai json looger for Rails, it is based on lograge and ougai, and it is a rails engi...

254 下载

下载总量 9,497,502

这个版本 3,547,163



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
