RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour os Latest version of the following gems require os

calculo 1.0.2

A calculator for the command line supporting postfix, prefix, infix, and lisp notation ...

4 520 Téléchargements


A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for use in Ruby on Rails and Rack frameworks heavily ...

4 463 Téléchargements

neography-ajaycb 0.0.21

A Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API see for mo...

4 451 Téléchargements

repofetch 0.5.2

A plugin-based tool to fetch stats, with a GitHub stat fetcher included by default

4 417 Téléchargements

ruby-prof-danielhoey 0.8.1

ruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and therefore is many t...

4 373 Téléchargements

aaet 0.1.0

A CLI to collect metadata about an applicaton on every run from the command line

4 176 Téléchargements

neon 0.1.0

Neon is fast, minimal ruby binding for the Neo4J. It provides a simple api to manipul...

4 176 Téléchargements

netgeo 0.1.2

A CLI tool for ip, dns, mac, and geolocation data, with clean output for piping

4 113 Téléchargements

netgeo 0.1.2

A CLI tool for ip, dns, mac, and geolocation data, with clean output for piping

4 113 Téléchargements

bmc-sdk 0.1.1

An SDK for interacting with the BMC API. See

3 967 Téléchargements

rsyslibs 0.3.0

Rsyslibs collects all local gems in your project and sends them to a web server to dete...

3 902 Téléchargements

bmc-sdk-development 0.0.5

An SDK for interacting with the BMC API. See

3 871 Téléchargements

jekyll-lunr-js-search-multilingual 0.0.2

Plugin "jekyll-lunr-js-search-multilingual" is "jekyll-lunr-js-search" plugin but with ...

3 648 Téléchargements

lyricsender 0.1.1

This gem is a CLI that uses the Genius API and web scraping to rapid-fire send your fri...

3 596 Téléchargements


A Ruby wrapper to the Neo4j Rest API see

3 593 Téléchargements

net_explore 0.0.1

Use command line or ruby code to open browser.

3 412 Téléchargements

smokes 0.1.2

Easy to use selenium wrapper (Just a placeholder. Not ready yet.)

3 409 Téléchargements

capslock 0.1.0

Supports only Linux so far.

3 382 Téléchargements

knowbe4_hiring 0.1.1

KnowBe4, Inc. is a high growth information security company. We are the world’s largest...

3 373 Téléchargements

belajar 1.0.0

Belajar is the Japanese word for university. With Belajar you can interactively learn t...

3 307 Téléchargements

bombay 0.3.1

Organize your $(pwd).

3 194 Téléchargements

pomelo-citrus-monitor 0.0.1

pomelo-citrus-monitor is a simple clone of pomelo-monitor, it provides a simple, compre...

3 186 Téléchargements

Rgrep 0.0.1

A sample gem. Gem like grep in linux, but ruby.

3 170 Téléchargements

organo 0.4.4

Gets JSON data from different APIs to build a local database that can be used in other ...

3 150 Téléchargements

msbuild 0.1.0


2 961 Téléchargements

gpt4all 0.0.5

interface to gpt4all

2 836 Téléchargements

vagrant-serverspechtmlreport 1.2.1

vagrant-serverspec is a Vagrant plugin that integrates serverspec into your workflow.

2 816 Téléchargements

glimmer-dsl-fx 0.0.2

Glimmer DSL for FX - FOX Toolkit Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library

2 622 Téléchargements

newrelic-management 0.1.1

NewRelic Management Utility

2 587 Téléchargements

json2hcl 0.0.7

Gem wrapper for Json2Hcl ( It follows the releases of ...

2 545 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 290 031 975

Pour cette version 117 779 137



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
