RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para opentracing_test_tracer La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren opentracing_test_tracer

rack-tracer 0.9.0

Rack OpenTracing middleware

1.249.722 Descargas

activerecord-opentracing 0.3.1

ActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter

882.557 Descargas

redis-instrumentation 0.2.0

OpenTracing instrumentation for the Redis Ruby client.

810.328 Descargas

sfx-sidekiq-opentracing 0.0.4

OpenTracing instrumentation for Sidekiq.

580.475 Descargas

nethttp-instrumentation 0.1.3

OpenTracing Instrumentation for Net::HTTP requests.

462.015 Descargas

grape-instrumentation 0.2.0

OpenTracing instrumentation for Grape

333.990 Descargas

rails-instrumentation 0.1.5

OpenTracing instrumentation for Rails.

298.110 Descargas

sinatra-instrumentation 0.1.2

OpenTracing compatible auto-instrumentation for Sinatra web applications.

266.423 Descargas

pg-instrumentation 0.1.0

OpenTracing instrumentation to trace queries made using the Postgres Ruby driver

252.357 Descargas

restclient-instrumentation 0.1.1

OpenTracing auto-instrumentation for RestClient.

237.517 Descargas

sfx-rack-tracer 0.10.0

Rack OpenTracing middleware

131.525 Descargas

jcw 0.5.1

Wrapper for the gem 'jaeger-client' with simpler customization.

47.330 Descargas

httprb-opentracing 0.4.0

Instruments the http gem for distributed tracing

43.727 Descargas

sequel-instrumentation 0.1.0

OpenTracing instrumentation for Sequel.

32.135 Descargas

mysql2-instrumentation 0.2.1

OpenTracing instrumentation to trace queries made with Mysql2.

28.629 Descargas

activerecord-instrumentation 0.6.2

ActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter

20.270 Descargas

protobuf-opentracing 1.0.8

Add service to service tracing with Opentracing.

18.856 Descargas

action_subscriber-opentracing 1.0.4


13.644 Descargas

mongodb-instrumentation 0.1.1

OpenTracing auto-instrumentation for applications using the MongoDB Ruby driver.

10.826 Descargas

rack-instrumentation 0.3.0

OpenTracing instrumentation for rack

8.373 Descargas

sequel-opentracing 0.0.4.pre

Sequel OpenTracing instrumentation

7.983 Descargas

restclient-opentracing 0.1.2.pre

Enable distributed tracing and intrumentation for restclient

7.672 Descargas

active_record-tracer 0.1.1

ActiveRecord OpenTracing tracer

4.360 Descargas

opentracing-instrumented 0.1.0

OpenTracing instrumentation helpers

1.916 Descargas

activerecord-opentracing-dox-fork 0.2.2.doximity1

ActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter

1.853 Descargas

nethttp-instrumentation-dox-fork 0.2.0.doximity1

OpenTracing Instrumentation for Net::HTTP requests.

1.684 Descargas

redis-instrumentation-dox-fork 0.1.2.doximity1

OpenTracing instrumentation for the Redis Ruby client.

1.473 Descargas

Total de descargas 10.369

Para esta versión 8.696



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
