RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para omniauth-twitter La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren omniauth-twitter

devise-i18n 1.13.0

Translations for the devise gem

14.623.632 Descargas

decidim-core 0.29.2

Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.

356.268 Descargas

user_mgmt 2.1.5

Includes functionality for site-specific registration and third-party authentication st...

324.314 Descargas

iugusdk 1.0.11

SDK for Iugu Platform Applications

104.113 Descargas

wordjelly-auth 1.6.0

Simple authentication solution for any rails app.

98.833 Descargas

omniauth-scaffold 0.1.30

Scaffold for OmniAuth.

97.188 Descargas

minimum-omniauth-scaffold 0.5.0

Scaffold for OmniAuth

64.532 Descargas

kirgudu_base 0.0.25

Base Controllers, Helpers and Views for Kirgudu.NET

59.821 Descargas

remotty-rails 0.1.3

token based authentication and more useful library..

51.417 Descargas

metova 0.0.17

Metova libraries for Ruby on Rails

45.996 Descargas

citygate 0.1.1

Citygate is an Engine that provides user model with sign up and log in, admin backend f...

41.427 Descargas

socialite 0.2.1

Rails engine supporting multiple auth providers per user.

34.053 Descargas

ibrain-auth 0.3.20

Its Auth is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.

33.281 Descargas

frame 0.1.3

Frame will setup various Ruby on Rails projects with an instantly usable application. T...

30.928 Descargas

sinatra_omniauth 1.3.1

This Sinatra extension, derived from omniauth_pure by Marcus Proske, adds OmniAuth auth...

29.742 Descargas

we_bridge_rails_engine_users 0.1.10

show, create, edit and delete user.

24.099 Descargas

basic-initial-rails4 1.1.4

this gem is to create a main files into de new rails applications using a rails g binst...

21.975 Descargas

catarse_full 0.1.0

Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.

21.405 Descargas

empower 1.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

18.025 Descargas

hoboken 0.10.0

Sinatra project generator.

13.955 Descargas

spree_social_onr 2.1.4

Adds social network login services (OAuth) to Spree

12.924 Descargas

sociable 0.0.5

Sociable gem provides abilities to share various user actions happening in your app and...

12.912 Descargas

twimock 0.0.2

This gem is used to mock the communication part of the twitter api.

10.770 Descargas

owrb 0.0.4

Web scripts.

10.218 Descargas

magis 0.0.4

Magis Framework Gem

9.173 Descargas

login 0.1.1

Devise and Omniauth defaults

8.004 Descargas

vxod 0.0.2

Social and password authorization solution

6.459 Descargas

addy_caddy_client 0.0.1

Provides a wrapper for making queries to apis and local data.

4.306 Descargas

oauth_bundle 1.0.2

`Create new rails app, then run rails g oauth_bundle:install`

3.902 Descargas

omnisand 0.0.1

Simple Devise + Omniauth Bridge Engine

3.664 Descargas

Total de descargas 37.217.861

Para esta versión 29.766.285

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.3
