Dépendances inversées pour omniauth-oauth Latest version of the following gems require omniauth-oauth
omniauth-twitter 1.4.0
OmniAuth strategy for Twitter
37 212 266 Téléchargements
omniauth-trello 0.0.4
OAuth 1.0 Strategy for Trello
3 083 512 Téléchargements
omniauth-linkedin 0.2.0
LinkedIn strategy for OmniAuth.
2 379 673 Téléchargements
omniauth-bitbucket 0.0.2
OmniAuth strategy for Bitbucket.
623 981 Téléchargements
omniauth-jira 0.2.0
A JIRA OAuth 1.0a strategy for OmniAuth.
562 328 Téléchargements
omniauth-google 1.0.2
A Google OAuth strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
411 904 Téléchargements
omniauth-campus 8.4
Custom strategy gem for campus app
407 201 Téléchargements
omniauth-tumblr 1.2
OmniAuth strategy for Tumblr
405 549 Téléchargements
omniauth-quickbooks 0.0.2
Quickbooks authentication strategy for OmniAuth
354 475 Téléchargements
omniauth-yahoo 0.0.8
OmniAuth strategy for yahoo
279 092 Téléchargements
omniauth-flickr 0.0.20
OmniAuth strategy for Flickr
185 924 Téléchargements
omniauth-xing 0.1.9
XING strategy for OmniAuth.
121 975 Téléchargements
omniauth-mediawiki 0.0.4
Mediawiki OAuth strategy for OmniAuth 1.0a
118 690 Téléchargements
omniauth-evernote 1.2.1
OmniAuth strategy for Evernote
97 786 Téléchargements
omniauth-aweber 1.0.0
Omniauth strategy for Aweber
88 476 Téléchargements
omniauth-hatena 0.0.4
OmniAuth strategy for Hatena
80 960 Téléchargements
omniauth-zaim 0.1.0
OmniAuth strategy for Zaim
71 343 Téléchargements
omniauth-etsy 0.2.0
OmniAuth strategy for Etsy
63 313 Téléchargements
omniauth-desk 0.2.0
OmniAuth strategy for Desk.com
58 018 Téléchargements
omniauth-qq 0.3.0
OmniAuth strategies for TQQ and QQ Connect).
54 615 Téléchargements
omniauth-dropbox 0.2.0
Dropbox strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
54 204 Téléchargements
omniauth-naranya_id 0.0.16
Omniauth provider for NaranyaID.
40 218 Téléchargements
omniauth-smugmug 1.0
OmniAuth strategy for SmugMug (OAuth 1.0)
40 054 Téléchargements
omni_auth_passaporte_web 3.0.2
Autenticação via SSO usando o Passaporte Web
38 466 Téléchargements
omniauth-idcard 0.3.1
OmniAuth strategy for Estonian ID-Card
33 795 Téléchargements
omniauth-osm 0.3.2
OpenStreetMap strategy for OmniAuth 1.0a
32 177 Téléchargements
omniauth-social 0.3.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
31 994 Téléchargements
omniauth-lastfm 0.0.7
OmniAuth strategy for Last.fm
29 982 Téléchargements
omniauth-netflix 0.3.0
Netflix strategy for OmniAuth 1.0
25 190 Téléchargements
omniauth-magento 0.0.6
Omniauth strategy for Magento
22 327 Téléchargements