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numo-narray 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 numo-narray

rubydown 0.2.0

rubydown is R Markdown clone for Rubyists.

4,297 下载

magnifier-ruby 1.1.0

Anomaly detection using gaussian distribution, written in ruby

4,207 下载

smalltext 0.1.0

Classify short texts with neural network

4,159 下载

tsne 0.2.0

High performance t-SNE for Ruby

3,900 下载

neural_network_rb 0.2.0

neural network ruby implementaiton

3,647 下载

umappp 0.2.0

Umappp wrapper for Ruby

3,520 下载

carray-numo-narray 0.9.1

CArray interface to Numo::NArray

3,394 下载

numo-random 0.5.1

Numo::Random provides random number generation with several distributions for Numo::NAr...

2,771 下载

red-datasets-numo-narray 0.0.1

Red Datasets Numo::NArray adds `#to_narray` method to each dataset in Red Datasets. You...

2,332 下载

numo-linalg-randsvd 0.3.0

Numo::Linalg.randsvd is a module function on Numo::Linalg for truncated singular value ...

2,323 下载

tensorflow-ruby 0.2.0

Tensorflow bindings for ruby

2,250 下载

calc_sat 0.1.0

satellite orbit calculation, power calculation, etc.

2,230 下载

meshgrid 0.1.0

Meshgrid generator for 2D & 3D Numo::Narray.

2,053 下载

narray-fromfile 0.1.2

Extracts data from a double precision floating point binary file. 倍精度浮動小数点バイナリファイルからデータ...

1,996 下载

gaussian-filter 0.0.3

Gaussian Filter

1,846 下载

mb-sound-jackffi 0.0.2.usegit

A Ruby FFI interface to the JACK Audio Connection Kit

1,663 下载

mb-surround 0.0.0.usegit

Ruby code for encoding, decoding, and processing positional audio. This code accom...

1,477 下载

expcalc 0.1.1

To expand ruby math operations this gem call to others such as Numo:narray and others a...

1,368 下载

sc2ai 0.0.6

This is a Ruby interface to STARCRAFT® II. Write your own AI using an easy interface an...

1,194 下载

下载总量 3,592,375

这个版本 1,172,447



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.2
