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numo-narrayの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はnumo-narrayを必要としています

rumale-nearest_neighbors 0.29.0

Rumale::NearestNeighbors provides classifier and regression based on nearest neighbors ...

20,008 ダウンロード数

rumale-decomposition 0.29.0

Rumale::Decomposition provides matrix decomposition algorithms, such as Principal Compo...

19,977 ダウンロード数

rumale-naive_bayes 0.29.0

Rumale::NaiveBayes provides naive bayes models, such as Gaussian Naive Bayes, Multinomi...

19,965 ダウンロード数

rumale-metric_learning 0.29.0

Rumale::MetricLearning provides metric learning algorithms, such as Fisher Discriminant...

19,950 ダウンロード数

rumale-manifold 0.29.0

Rumale::Manifold provides data embedding algorithms, such as Multi-dimensional Scaling,...

19,933 ダウンロード数

rumale-pipeline 0.29.0

Rumale::Pipeline provides classes for chaining transformers and estimators with Rumale ...

19,929 ダウンロード数

rumale-kernel_machine 0.29.0

Rumale::KernelMachine provides kernel method-based algorithms, such as Kernel Support V...

19,913 ダウンロード数

rumale-kernel_approximation 0.29.0

Rumale::KernelApproximation provides kernel approximation algorithms, such as RBF featu...

19,911 ダウンロード数

rumale-neural_network 0.29.0

Rumale::NeuralNetwork provides classifiers and regression algorithms based on multi-lay...

19,908 ダウンロード数

numo-pocketfft 0.4.1

Numo::Pocketfft provides functions for descrete Fourier Transform based on pocketfft.

16,143 ダウンロード数

nn 2.4.0


15,616 ダウンロード数

rblearn 0.3.1

rblearn (ruby-learn) provides methods for feature extracting and some algorithms.

15,022 ダウンロード数

spatial_stats 1.0.4

An ActiveRecord/PostGIS extension that provides statistical methods to spatial postgres...

14,776 ダウンロード数

red-chainer 0.4.1

A flexible framework for neural network for Ruby

14,771 ダウンロード数

midas-edge 0.4.0

Edge stream anomaly detection for Ruby

14,749 ダウンロード数

torchvision 0.3.0

Computer vision datasets, transforms, and models for Ruby

12,164 ダウンロード数

mopti 0.2.3

Multivariate Optimization Library in Ruby. Mopti supports Nelder-Mead simplex method an...

12,035 ダウンロード数

red-arrow-numo-narray 0.0.6

Red Arrow Numo::NArray adds `Arrow::Tensor#to_narray` and `#to_arrow`/`#to_arrow_array`...

11,031 ダウンロード数

xlearn 0.1.5

High performance factorization machines for Ruby

9,752 ダウンロード数

NetAnalyzer 0.6.2

NetAnalyzer is a useful network analysis tool developed in Ruby that can 1) analyse any...

8,532 ダウンロード数

pets 0.2.5

PETS suite includes three different tools. CohortAnalyzer performs the calculation of s...

8,491 ダウンロード数


Function module similar to `filter` in MatLab or Octave.

8,433 ダウンロード数

rubex 0.1.2

A Ruby-like language for writing Ruby C extensions. Rubex keeps you happy even when wr...

7,424 ダウンロード数

anngler 0.0.5

Anngler is an approximate nearest neighbor search for points in n-dimensional space tha...

6,436 ダウンロード数

numo-fftw 0.1.1

Numo::FFTW development version.

6,128 ダウンロード数

hanny 0.2.2

Hanny is a Hash-based Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search library in Ruby. Hash-b...

6,030 ダウンロード数

numo 0.1.1

Ruby/Numo - a collection of libraries for numerical computing in Ruby.

5,586 ダウンロード数

numo-tiny_linalg 0.3.7

Numo::TinyLinalg is a subset library from Numo::Linalg consisting only of methods used ...

4,713 ダウンロード数

numo-binrw 0.2.1

Read binary files and handle them with `NArray`.

4,698 ダウンロード数

onnx-red-chainer 0.1.2

Automatically generate Ruby code from ONNX

4,644 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 3,505,093

このバージョンのみ 1,089,690



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.2
