RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for nmatrix Latest version of the following gems require nmatrix

daru 0.3

Daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualization ...

1,917,798 下載

statsample 2.1.0

A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1...

663,404 下載

statsample-bivariate-extension 1.2.0

Polychoric and Tetrachoric extensions for Statsample::Bivariate.

145,180 下載

sciruby-full 0.2.11

Scientific gems for Ruby. This is the full installation with rigid version constraints.

24,967 下載

nmatrix-lapacke 0.2.4

For using linear algebra fuctions provided by LAPACK and BLAS

23,024 下載

mikon 0.1.3

DataFrame works with NMatrix, Statsample, and Nyaplot

13,737 下載

nmatrix-atlas 0.2.4

For using linear algebra fuctions provided by ATLAS

13,157 下載

jekyll-tfidf-related-posts 0.1.7

Jekyll plugin to show related posts based on the content, tags, and categories. The si...

11,913 下載

jekyll-related-posts 0.1.2

Proper related posts plugin for Jekyll - uses document correlation matrix on TF-IDF (op...

10,285 下載

randsvd 0.2.2

RandSVD is a class that performs truncated singular value decomposition using a randomi...

9,076 下載


Ruby/GSL is a Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library, for numerical computing wit...

8,897 下載

ml_ratiosolve 1.1.1

Methods for using maximum likelihood calculations to estimate parmeters of ratios of ga...

8,436 下載

ale_ruby_interface 0.0.3

This directly implements a ruby version of the arcade learning environment interface.

8,190 下載

red-arrow-nmatrix 0.0.4

Red Arrow NMatrix adds `Arrow::Tensor#to_nmatrix` for Apache Arrow to NMatrix conversio...

7,800 下載

related-blog-posts 0.2.2

Jekyll plugin to show related posts based on the content, tags, and categories. The si...

7,263 下載

nmatrix-rowcol 0.2.0

Arbitrary row/column selection for NMatrix

7,163 下載


Extra functions for nmatrix

6,405 下載

nmatrix-fftw 0.2.4

NMatrix extension for using fuctions provided by FFTW

6,278 下載

mixed_models 0.1.1

Fit statistical (linear) models with fixed and mixed (random) effects in Ruby

6,044 下載

CooCoo 0.2.1

Neural networks in Ruby and CUDA.

5,677 下載

newral 0.12

Neuralnet for newbies

5,358 下載

netcdf-nmatrix 0.8.1

A Ruby interface for reading and writing NetCDF files. NetCDF-NMatrix is a rewrite of t...

4,488 下載

ruigi 0.1.1

calculate similarity between documents

4,150 下載

spitzy 0.1.0

A toolbox of numerical differential equation solvers written in pure Ruby. Currently th...

3,075 下載

jekyll-related-blog-posts 0.1.3

Jekyll plugin to show related posts based on the content, tags, and categories. The si...

2,887 下載


A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby

2,766 下載

word2vec 0.1.1

A simple wrapper for word2vec.

2,766 下載

mazemap 0.0.2

Runs Wavefront algorithm to find the shortest path from A to B

2,436 下載

總下載次數 119,511

這個版本 36,211



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9
