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newrelic_plugin 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 newrelic_plugin

newrelic_resque_agent 1.0.1

This is the New Relic plugin for monitoring Resque developed by Railsware Inc.

203,540 下载

newrelic_sidekiq_plugin 0.0.4

This is the New Relic plugin for monitoring Sidekiq developed by Falconer Development, LLC

61,761 下载

newrelic_f5_plugin 1.0.22

This is the New Relic plugin for monitoring F5 devices developed by New Relic, Inc.

46,869 下载

newrelic_postgres_plugin 0.3.0

This is the New Relic plugin for monitoring Postgres developed by Boundless Inc.

45,797 下载

newrelic_haproxy_agent 1.0.1

This is the New Relic plugin for monitoring Haproxy developed by Railsware Inc.

22,071 下载

newrelic-rmq-plugin 0.1.11

NewRelic RabbitMQ Plugin

14,507 下载

newrelic_openvpn_agent 0.0.1

This is the New Relic plugin for monitoring OpenVPN developed by KangaCoders Ltd.

11,957 下载

newrelic_plugins_hive 0.0.5

This agent consolidates and manages multiple New Relic plugins. It pulls the agents tha...

11,005 下载

newrelic_zfs 1.0.2

Newrelic plugin to monitor ZFS pools

8,612 下载

newrelic_pivpn_agent 0.0.5

New Relic plugin for monitoring piVPN, based on newrelic_openvpn_agent developed by Kan...

6,850 下载

newrelic_redshift_plugin 1.0.0

This is the New Relic plugin for monitoring Redshift developed by Chirag K. Parmar.

5,083 下载

newrelic_rabbitmq_plugin 1.0.3

New Relic plugin for reporting RabbitMQ statistics

4,137 下载

newrelic_samba_agent 0.1.0

This is the New Relic plugin for monitoring Samba developed by KangaCoders Ltd.

3,816 下载

newrelic_sidekiq_agent 0.1.0

New Relic plugin for reporting Sidekiq statistics

3,266 下载

下载总量 1,311,194

这个版本 1,029,751


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