RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para newgem La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren newgem

named_scope_for_time_attr 1.0.0

Provides the ActiveRecord helper method <tt>named_scope_for_time_attr</tt>....

4.697 Descargas

lwr-simple 0.0.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

4.684 Descargas

reddy 0.1.0

Reddy is an RDF library for Ruby.

4.677 Descargas

sutto-oauth 0.3.6

OAuth Core Ruby implementation (this fork has em-http-request support, included until t...

4.676 Descargas


OAuth Core Ruby implementation with Typhoeus::Request support

4.671 Descargas

merb-ext-direct 0.0.1

FIX (describe your package)

4.642 Descargas

miguelbaldi-ri_cal 0.1

A new Ruby implementation of RFC2445 iCalendar. The existing Ruby iCalendar libraries ...

4.636 Descargas

microcalibration 0.0.1

FIX (describe your package)

4.599 Descargas

mogo24r 0.0.1

mogo24r is mogo2API-library for ruby. mogo2 is Japanese micro-blog.

4.590 Descargas

samlown-carrierwave 0.4.5

* RDoc Documentation {available at Rubyforge}[]. *...

4.569 Descargas

shovel 0.0.1

A domain specific language for configuring ingestor processes

4.566 Descargas

quickshare 0.0.1

Command line utility for serving the current directory over HTTP.

4.516 Descargas

pleasevalidate 0.0.3

A little markup validator.

4.506 Descargas

sinatra-sammy 0.0.1

A Sinatra extension that turns a Sinatra app into a one page app using the teamwork of ...

4.495 Descargas

rubst 0.0.1

Rewrite of Kenji's subst ( in Ruby progra...

4.472 Descargas

universe-devtools 0.1.1

gem install universe-devtools

4.412 Descargas

speedpetal 0.0.2

Fast thumbnail Image generator.

4.394 Descargas

difgist 0.0.12

FIX (describe your package)

4.372 Descargas

sunedison-cap 0.3.0

FIX (describe your package)

4.340 Descargas

countryselect0r 0.0.1

Fork of the country-select (version 1.1.1) gem by Michael Koziarski and James Dean Shep...

4.324 Descargas

spatialnetworks-pdf-stamper 0.3.0

Super cool PDF templates using iText's PdfStamper. == CAVEAT: Anything super cool mus...

4.286 Descargas

cmdjohnson-acts_as_money 0.0.1

Improved version of acts_as_money.

4.274 Descargas

BMorearty-looksee 0.1.1

Looksee lets you examine the method lookup path of objects in ways not possible in plai...

3.900 Descargas

bkerley-radius 0.6.1

Radius is a powerful tag-based template language for Ruby inspired by the template lang...

3.880 Descargas

leaderboardable 0.0.1

FIX (describe your package)

3.789 Descargas

mirror42-freshbooks.rb 3.0.25

FreshBooks.rb is a Ruby interface to the FreshBooks API. It exposes easy-to-use classes...

3.711 Descargas

cauta-tog 0.5.3

extensible open source social network platform

3.702 Descargas

chap-keywords_maker 0.2

A gem which returns the keywords related with your text. It's very relevant for webpage...

3.663 Descargas

chendo-pretty_activerecord 1.0.0

Makes printing ActiveRecord objects pretty (via #inspect method).

3.648 Descargas

nagybence-sluggable_finder 2.0.6

SEO friendly permalinks for your Active Record models

3.646 Descargas

Total de descargas 397.453

Para esta versión 39.283



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
