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net-sftp 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 net-sftp

vantiv_sftp_reports 0.2.0

Report Processing for WorldPay/Vantiv/LitleOnline

12,760 下載

dbcp 0.2.1

Copy SQL databases between application environments

12,148 下載

netguru-safe 0.2.11

Astrails-Safe is a simple tool to backup databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL), Subversion r...

12,067 下載

symphony-ssh 0.4.0

A small collection of base classes used for interacting with remote machines over ssh. ...

12,052 下載

engineyard-migrate 1.1.0

Want to migrate your Ruby on Rails application from Heroku (or similar) up to Engine Ya...

11,893 下載

mikrotik-backup 0.0.5

Backup MikroTik configuration using SSH and SFTP.

11,487 下載

yard-sftp 1.1.0

Move your new shiny documentation to a remote location with SFTP

11,486 下載

spot-rate 0.5.0

get current currency spot rates with ruby

11,464 下載


Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

11,170 下載

gun_accessory_supply 1.0.5

Ruby library for Gun Accessory Supply

11,111 下載


Backup is a Ruby Gem written for Unix and Rails environments. It can be used both with ...

10,666 下載

rigger 0.2.12

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

10,460 下載

snatchdb 1.0.2

Remote database downloader

10,205 下載

nanoc-sftp 1.0.2

An SFTP-only deploy script for nanoc

10,159 下載

dsx-dml 0.0.3

Provides tools to ease working with the DSX Access Systems DML command syntax, an archa...

9,781 下載

bfire 0.3.0

Launch experiments on BonFIRE

9,756 下載

cdr-fetcher 1.0.2

A gem for fetching CDR data from a remote system via SSH/SFTP. Supports fetching all f...

9,481 下載

sftp-sync 0.1.5

Syncs a list of files from remote sftp server

9,378 下載

darkofabijan-astrails-safe 0.2.9

Astrails-Safe is a simple tool to backup databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL), Subversion r...

9,341 下載

mbailey-capistrano 2.5.7

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

9,013 下載

activestorage-sftp 0.2.0

SFTP Service for ActiveStorage

8,842 下載

squarespace-sync 0.0.3

Sync files to and from a Squarespace Developer site over SFTP

8,575 下載

silw 0.1.0

Read various system stats from local or remote systems and publish them in a simple and...

8,298 下載

mguymon-buildr 1.4.5

Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scal...

8,268 下載

mguymon-buildr 1.4.5

Apache Buildr is a build system for Java-based applications, including support for Scal...

8,268 下載

vic-buildr 1.3.4

A build system that doesn't suck

8,141 下載

ghaki-net-ssh 2011.12.20.1

Ghaki Net SSH is a collection of extensions for the Net SSH gem library.

7,973 下載

rsutphin-shenandoah 0.1.2

A javascript test framework for buildr, rails, and other ruby-built projects

7,902 下載

ssh_smart 1.0.2

Funções que copia arquivo para o SMART via SSH

7,852 下載

ext_backup 5.0.0.beta.2.1

Backup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easily...

7,836 下載

總下載次數 109,521,641

這個版本 9,729,966



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
